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Dealed with application of microprocessor for gas carburizing to control carbon potential in order to improve the quality of products.It sprinciple and method were given.

Deal with the day-to-day administration. 处理日常的行政工作。
Deal with the employee attendance, recruitment, social insurance, welfare, work permit, working visa for foreigner, draft contract etc. 负责员工考勤、招聘、社保和福利,以及外籍员工工作许可证和工作签证的办理。
Deal with the non-conformity spare parts occurred at production line. 及时解决生产线上的不合格零件,确保符合相应的零件要求。
Deal with the product life-related complaint. 负责产品寿命投诉的处理.
Deal with you? I think not. Leave, before I call the Watch, scum! 跟你交易?我不想。走开,在我叫卫兵之前,渣滓!
Dealed with application of microprocessor for gas carburizing to control carbon potential in order to improve the quality of products.It sprinciple and method were given. 论述了气体渗碳工艺中应用微机控制碳势的原理和方法。此控制系统可提高渗碳件的质量。
Dealer A person that buys and sells for the purpose of making a profit. 交易员出于获利目的而做买卖的人。
Dealer Dan could hurt us badly. “商人丹”可以重创我们。
Dealer risk monitoring and follow up. 经销商风险监督及跟踪工作。
Dealer sales person and customer contact, etc. 经销商销售人员及客户联络等。
Dealer:Don't worry about them. Didn't I see you win big at the 5)casino? 车商:别管他们。我在赌场看到大赢的人是不是你?

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