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Our Shanghai office can tell you whether the store is an authorized Brewster retailer.

Our School Open Day for academic year 2006-2007 was held on December 16. 2006至2007度学年的「开放日及圣诞联欢2006」于12月16日完满结束。
Our School stands on the ground of the Cheung Ching Estate among greeny hills and waters. 我们的学校,屹立在青山绿水的长青邨。
Our Senior Pastor will be leading us into a time of prayers and preparation of hearts. 主任牧师将带领我们有一段祷告和预备心的时间。
Our September sale increase560thousand over August which itemize here below. 我公司九月份销售比八月份增加56万美元,详情如下。
Our Service covers a wide range of industry, including petroleum, chemistry, power, electronics, metallurgy, water treatment, aerospace, nuclear power, etc. 多年来,我们提供的产品及自动化工程服务涵盖了石油、化工、电力、电子、冶金、食品、制药、水处理、航空、航天、核电等领域。
Our Shanghai office can tell you whether the store is an authorized Brewster retailer. 我们在上海的办公室可以告诉您是否您去过的那家店属于一个授权的布鲁斯特零售商。
Our Sites may include links to the websites of our business partners, vendors and advertisers. 我们的网站可能包含我们商务合作对象、供应商、广告商等其它网址连结。
Our Spot Light is the main, or Key, Light of the scene, the one casting shadow. 我们的聚光灯照明是场景的主要(或者说是关键)的投射阴影的灯光。
Our Success comes from professional quality; brilliant talents' affiliation support our advancement. 信永中和今天的成功源于其专业品质,而未来的发展来自各位优秀人才的加盟。
Our Sun and our solar system may have been born inside such a cosmic crucible 4.6 billion years ago. 我们的太阳和太阳系或许就是46亿年前在这样的宇宙熔炉中诞生的。
Our Supervision Number is 67632672,You can call this number if you have problems or are not satisfied with our service. 我们的监督电话是67632672,如果有问题,或对我们的服务不满意,您可以打这个电话。

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