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Advanced Technology and facilities bring about the accurate detection data, and also the potential electrician fire-control danger.

Advanced Progress Bar Control - This is a very sophisticated progress bar control with a number of UI-rich properties, such as back color, fore color, orientation (vertical or horizontal) and much more. 这是一个非常成熟的进度条控件,具有相当丰富的用户界面属性,例如背景色,前景色,定向(水平或者垂直)以及更多。
Advanced Reflector System generates more UV output than lamps with higher wattage and cures evenly around the entire nail. 先进的反光系统产生比普通灯管更多的紫外输出和瓦数,可均衡光疗整个平面。
Advanced Sauna VIP rooms and excellent massage technician will make you feel vigorous and healthy on your travel. 高档桑拿贵宾房,优秀的按摩技师,让您在旅途中精神饱满,身心健康。
Advanced Seminar in Real Estate: Strategic decision making in real estate, covering issues of asset management, portfolio strategy, recapitalization, securitization, property development and management of real estate businesses. 房地产高级研讨会:如何制定策略,包括资产评估,投资策略、资本结构调整、安全策略、资产增值和房地产管理。
Advanced Technology Center would bend itself to promote the construction of excellent software engineering, to establish topping—ranking software developing center and to create the future of Chinese software industry. 微软亚洲工程院将致力于推动卓越软件工程建设,建立一流软件开发中心,创造中国软件业的未来!
Advanced Technology and facilities bring about the accurate detection data, and also the potential electrician fire-control danger. 设备的先进性必然会带来更为准确的现场检测数据,为快速准确地发现电气消防隐患奠定可靠的基础。
Advanced apparatus and instruments should be used to strengthen abstraction and identification of environmental geochemistry information, and to reveal the formation mechanism of acid mine drainage under complex conditions, to reveal speciation and transf 文章述评了这三种污染源的环境地球化学效应,提出需要进一步加强矿山环境的矿物转化过程中环境地球化学信息的提取和识别,揭示复杂条件下酸性矿山废水中金属的形态、转化过程及其生态效应,建立相应地球化学演化模型,为矿山环境治理提供理论依据。
Advanced carpet colour analysis and dye test will ensure you to get the colour tone you want. 本公司技术人员会首先为你的地毡进行颜色分析及试制色版,保证令你得到所喜欢的颜色.
Advanced color management, supporting the combination of any colors, engraving in freely defined sequence, partial or total output in one time. 先进的颜色管理,支持任意多种颜色,随意定义雕刻次序,全部或部分一次性输出。
Advanced communications: In the county, there are over 10 thousand switching telephones, making DDD and IDD available , as well as wireless pager, movable telephones and fax service. 通讯先进:县场已开通自动程控电话,光纤传输组网为华北地区规模最大、手段最先进,实现了国内国际电话直拨,并开通了无线寻呼通讯、移动电话系统及传真业务。
Advanced culture casts people and their souls, stimulates people's creativity, leads people to move towards being harmonious. 先进文化铸人铸魂,激发人们的创造力,引导人们走向和谐。

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