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By the asymptotic properties of random walk we develop suffcient conditions for the convergence of conditional solution to nonconditional solution, necessary and sufficient conditions for the finiteness of absolute moments of any order and for the persist

By the analyses of corrosive medium and manufacturing process quality, the cracks of glycol evaporators in Dushanzi Petrochemical Company have been confirmed to be intergranular corrosion cracks. 摘要通过裂纹宏微观形貌分析、腐蚀介质分析、对蒸发塔制造过程质量分析等,证实了独山子石化乙二醇蒸发塔的裂纹属晶间型应力腐蚀裂纹。
By the analysis and comparison of the particles of dust flow, the main force acting on the particles of dry dust flow is Van Der Waals force and the liquid-bridging force on the particles of wet dust flow are found. 通过时尘流中尘粒受力的分析,得出在乾燥环境下作用在尘粒上的主作用力是范德华力;在湿润情况下作用在尘粒上的主作用力是液桥力的结论。
By the analysis of mercury injection data and physical property data of 650 sandstone and carbonate samples collected from Tuha, Liaohe, Shengli, Eerduosi, Sichuan oil & gas field of China and Canadian oilfield, it is found that for porosity rocks, no mat 本文通过对来自我国吐哈、辽河、胜利、鄂尔多斯、四川和加拿大等地区油气田的650个砂岩和碳酸盐岩样品压汞测试资料及物性数据的分析研究,成功发现了对于孔隙性岩石(无论是砂岩还是碳酸盐岩),岩石孔隙度和渗透率(特别是渗透率)与岩样不同孔喉大小的体积分布有密切的相关性,并首次建立了储层孔喉体积分布反演预测模型。
By the analysis of the compact effectiveness on clay and sandy soils, it is proved that impact compaction is good for compacting the subgrade in deep depth and the effect on clay is better than that on sandy soil. 通过对砂土和粘土两种不同土质路基的冲击压实效果的分析,验证了冲击压实的深层压实效果,发现粘土比砂土的冲压效果好。
By the analysis on the status of severe increase of the contribution and harm from terrene non-point sources pollution in the merine environment of China, the need to research and develop the monitoring tracking technology of pollutans source was emphasiz 摘要通过对我国近岸海域陆源性非点源污染污染贡献率及其危害性剧增现状的分析,强调了在我国开展污染源示踪检测技术研发的必要性。
By the asymptotic properties of random walk we develop suffcient conditions for the convergence of conditional solution to nonconditional solution, necessary and sufficient conditions for the finiteness of absolute moments of any order and for the persist 利用随机游动的极限性质得到了条件解收敛于无条件解的充分条件,任意阶矩有限的充要条件以及外生变量与内生变量持续性的充要条件。
By the beginning of the new century, scientists throughout the United States were at work on a wide variety of agricultural projects. 在新世纪开始时,在全国各地的科学家都在广泛地进行农业科学研究。
By the big picture, I mean let's keep the same matrix on the left, but in addition, we have a difference right hand side. 整张大图,我是说让我们保持左侧相同的矩阵,但是除此之外,我们取一个不同的右侧部分。
By the biography, the biologist's playing the violet violin violently violated rules. 据传记记载,生物学家猛奏紫罗兰色的小提琴违犯了规矩.
By the blessing of the upright the city is exalted: but it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked. 箴11:11城因正直人祝福便高举.却因邪恶人的口就倾覆。
By the brook, the cook looked through a cookbook before making hooked cookies. 在溪边,厨子在做钩形饼干之前查阅了一本食谱。

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