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Results The total effective rate in improving premature beat and electrocardiogram in treatment group than in control group (P<0.05).

Results The superiolateral genicular artery stemmed from the popliteal artery, penetrated biceps femoral muscle and lateral intermuscular septum of the femur to the surface of femur by the superior side of the external condyle sending periosteal branches 结果膝外上动脉起自月国动脉,经外侧髁上方穿股二头肌腱与股外侧肌间隔至骨面发骨膜支分布于外侧髁的外侧面并参与股骨前面骨膜血管网。
Results The synthetic process is simple and the yield is high. 结果此法操作简便并得到高收率的标题化合物。
Results The thin-plate spline was used to realize fast and exact non-rigid registration of medical image. 结果利用薄板样条实现了医学图像的快速准确非刚性配准。
Results The total complication rate was 8.29% and the total mortality was 0.78%. 结果253例中发生并发症21例,发生率为8.29%,因并发症死亡的总病死率为0.78%。
Results The total curative effect of syringe pumps is better than injection and dropping obviously, further more syringe pumps is fast, enough, constant speed, stabilization. 结果:微泵静脉推注法的综合疗效明显优于静脉推注法和静脉滴注法,且微泵静脉推注法具有快速、足量、恒速、稳定的特点。
Results The total effective rate in improving premature beat and electrocardiogram in treatment group than in control group (P<0.05). 结果治疗组的总有效率及对房性和室性早搏有效率以及心电图疗效均高于对照组(P<0.05)。
Results The total effective rate was 91.7% in treatment group and 73.3% in control group, P<0.05. 结果治疗组与对照组的总有效率分别为91.7%和73.3%(P<0.05)。
Results The total effective rate was 95.2% in treatment group and 66.7% in control group (P<0.01). 结果治疗组总有效率为952%,对照组为667%,P<0.01。
Results The treatment group was superior significantly to the control group in the field of reduction of serum total bilirubin, the total bile acid, the total effective rates, advance of prothrombin activity (PTA) and alph fetal protein (AFP) of chronic f 结果治疗组在降低血清总胆红素、总胆汁酸、升高凝血酶原活动度、维持较高血清甲胎蛋白水平、提高存活率等方面均优于对照组,差异有显著性(P<0.05或0.01)。
Results The variety preparations contain rhubaub and ginseng were tested,the spots were clear and obvious. 结果多种含大黄、人参的制剂,薄层色谱斑点清晰明显。
Results The vasectomy via the ventral midline incision, compared to that via the scrotal incision, considerably reduced scrotal edema and adhesion of the testis and epididymis with the surrounding tissue. 结果与经阴囊切口相比,经腹正中切口的兔输精管结扎术可明显减轻阴囊水肿以及睾丸、附睾与周围组织的粘连。

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