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According to an ancient Chinese legend,Shen Nong discovered tea when he was boiling water over an open fire.

According to all that thou desiredst of the LORD thy God in Horeb in the day of the assembly, saying, Let me not hear again the voice of the LORD my God, neither let me see this great fire any more, that I die not. 16正如你在何烈山大会的日子求耶和华你神一切的话,说,求你不再叫我听见耶和华我神的声音,也不再叫我看见这大火,免得我死亡。
According to all the above, this article will take HongKong and Kunming for examples and explains that we should combine the experts with the common peoplein establishment construction, deepen the communication and cooperation in traffic management, and t 有鉴于此,本文将辅以香港、昆明为例,论述在设施建设中应做到“专群结合”,交通管理中应深化交流合作,交通保障中则应本着“预防为主”的工作方针。
According to amended(July 10,2002 promulgated)Post Act: The services of Chunghwa Post shall include: Mail delivery, savings, remittances, post simple life insurances, philately and relevant commodities, postal capital operations and could accept entrust t 依据91.7.10颁布施行之邮政法第五条规定:中华邮政公司,得经营下列业务:递送邮件、储金、汇兑、简易人寿保险、集邮及其相关产品、邮政资产之营运,以及经交通部(主管机关)核定,得接受委托办理其他业务及投资或经营上述相关业务。
According to an August 7 report by the National Development and Reform Commission, the country's 31 provinces and regions all registered a two-digit gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate in the first six months of the year. 国家发改委8月7日所做的一项报告表明,在今年前6个月里,我国31个省、自治区的GDP均保持了两位数的增长速度。
According to an analysis of the aeromagnetic regional field in combination with man-made earthquake, Moho depth calculated by gravity, hydrothermal activity, recent volcanic activity, morphologic characteristics and natural seismic activity, it is held th 从对航磁区域场的分析,并结合人工地震、重力计算莫霍面深度、热水活动、最新火山岩活动、地貌特徵和天然地震活动等多种资料的解释,认为负异常带是由于深部热流沿北北东向上升引起局部岩浆熔融,使上地壳下部具有较高的地温,导致磁性层底部消磁作用的结果。
According to an ancient Chinese legend,Shen Nong discovered tea when he was boiling water over an open fire. 根据一则中国古代传说,神农氏在户外烧水时(偶然)发现了茶叶。
According to an ancient Titan holographic recording, this is one of three Titan stations in Azeroth. 根据一份来自远古泰坦的全息记录,埃泽拉斯世界上一共有三处泰坦的基地。
According to an anonymous source… 据一位不愿意透露姓名的消息灵通人士说……
According to an approximate estimate, 根据大约估计,
According to an cost analysis from a McDonald's restaurant using Heat Mirror? in Colorado ,direct cost of installing Heat Mirror? glass was paid back in nine months . 据美国科罗拉多州一家使用热镜的麦当劳餐厅统计,其加装热镜的直接成本在9个月内完全收回。
According to an engineering practice in Pudong, Shanghai, both the theoretical analysis and in-situ test are studied. 结合上海浦东某实际工程,从理论上和实测中对支撑轴力中收缩和温度应力进行研究。

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