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Article 23 The account books to be established by a business are general chronological book and general ledger book.

Article 23 Schools shall institute a system of medical examination for students. The administrative departments for education, physical culture and sports and public health shall strengthen the monitoring of students' physique. 第二十三条学校应当建立学生体格健康检查制度。教育。体育和卫生行政部门应当加强对学生体质的监测。
Article 23 Self-employed silversmiths in border areas inhabited by minority nationalities and in coastal areas with a concentration of relatives of overseas Chinese, may engage in processing and repairing gold and silver articles for clients upon the appr 第二十三条边疆少数民族地区和沿海侨眷比较集中地区的个体银匠,经县或者县级以上中国人民银行以及工商行政管理机关批准,可以从事代客加工和修理金银制品的业务,但不得收购和销售金银制品。
Article 23 State banking institutions shall support transformation of scientific and technological achievements in matters of loans and gradually increase the amount of loans extended for such transformation. 第二十三条国家金融机构应当在信贷方面支持科技成果转化,逐步增加用于科技成果转化的贷款。
Article 23 The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall enact laws on its own to prohibit any act of treason, secession, sedition, subversion against the Central People's Government, or theft of state secrets, to prohibit foreign political organizati 第二十三条香港特别行政区应自行立法禁止任何叛国、分裂国家、煽动叛乱、颠覆中央人民政府及窃取国家机密的行为,禁止外国的政治性组织或团体在香港特别行政区进行政治活动,禁止香港特别行政区的政治性组织或团体与外国的政治性组织或团体建立联系。
Article 23 The VAT assessable period shall be one day, three days, five days, ten days, fifteen days or one month. 第二十三条增值税的纳税期限分别为一日、三日、五日、十日、十五日或者一个月。
Article 23 The account books to be established by a business are general chronological book and general ledger book. 第23条商业必须设置之帐簿,为普通序时帐簿及总分类帐簿。
Article 23 The acts that divulge the secret of commercial password techniques, unlawfully attack the commercial passwords or conduct the activities impairing the security and interest of the state with commercial passwords and constitute a crime in seriou 第二十三条泄露商用密码技术秘密、非法攻击商用密码或者利用商用密码从事危害国家的安全和利益的活动,情节严重,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
Article 23 The appraisal of public procurators shall be carried out objectively and impartially, through the combined efforts of the leaders and masses, and routinely and annually. 第二十三条对检察官的考核,应当客观公正,实行领导和群众相结合,平时考核和年度考核相结合。
Article 23 The date of payment, place of payment and place of issue, if specified on a bill of exchange, shall be legible and unambiguous. 第二十三条汇票上记载付款日期、付款地、出票地等事项的,应当清楚、明确。
Article 23 The design, construction and quality of civil air defense works must conform to the protection and quality standards established by the State. 第二十三条人民防空工程建设的设计、施工、质量必须符合国家规定的防护标准和质量标准。
Article 23 The government and its subordinate departments shall not abuse their administrative power by requiring the out-contracting units to contract out the construction projects to designated contracting units. 第二十三条政府及其所属部门不得滥用行政权力,限定发包单位将招标发包的建筑工程发包给指定的承包单位。

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