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“But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore,” the child continued warily.

“But I am not going along with this half-baked idea of him going to Germany 80 per cent fit and then find him being pressured into playing before he is ready. “但是我不同意他80%康复的时候参加世界杯这个仓促的想法,他会由于压力而在没有准备好的时候就被迫参赛。
“But I don't go to sleep thinking about the pressure, I think about that little rectangle I've got to smack the ball into and that's about it. 欧文说:如果你不去想这些,那么就会有无数的人看着你们从世界杯的赛场上回去,然后会让很多人愤怒.所以我们会有很多的压力.
“But I have a boy coming from Children's Home. “可是我已经从儿童之家叫了一个男孩了。
“But I remember games where they lost badly because they were playing so offensively. In the Champions League they lost 7-2 at Lyon two years ago. They were not very stable. “但我记得他们也有因为进攻性太强而输了比赛,并且输得很惨。两年前的冠军杯比赛中他们7:2输给了里昂,他们的成绩非常不稳定。”
“But I want to give my doggy his water,” she cried. I kissed her and gave her some stuffed animals to play with. “但我想给狗狗喝水,”她哭起来。我吻了吻她,给她一些填充玩具让她玩。
“But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore,” the child continued warily. 但是以后再也见不到你了,我回难过的。小孩又说。
“But I'm very motivated now and I'm just happy to be on the pitch in every competition and for every game after what has happened. “但我现在充满动力,能够参与每一场较量并为之战斗令我非常开心。”
“But Mrs. Eiffler doesn't want us writing on the chalkboard,” I responded, already feeling guilty, although we had not yet done a thing. “但是艾夫勒夫人不让我们在黑板上写字啊,”我回答道,尽管我们还没做什么,我就已经觉得心虚了。
“But Professor,why don't you try the cream just once?”hisfriend argued.“It makes shaving smoother and less painful. “但是,教授,为什么您就不能仅仅试用一次刮胡膏呢?”他的朋友争辩道。“它可以让你刮起胡子来又平滑又不痛。”
“But at the same time, a horizontal pulling power inside the lower continetal crust and mantle of the earth counteracts this upward movement,said Bian. 边研究员称,“但与此同时,地球下层地壳和地幔里一种水平状的拉力阻碍着喜马拉雅山的上升。”
“But if it happens, I am ready to pack my bags. I'm a completely self-confident person. “但是假如他们决定了,我随时准备收拾我的行李。我是个很有自信的人。”

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