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Brought up in an atmosphere of strict, orthodox, Protestant Christianity, he was uninformed on the other great religions of the world and their similarities with his own.

Brought back to unlived by a vicious Harpy Queen, this once proud Wyvern was turn into a Visage of his former self. 他曾是一只高傲的翼龙,由于被恶毒的鸟身女妖女王以非生命的型态带回尘世,而转变为拥有过去外型的米里吉。
Brought forward the reliability-centered diversity maintenance theoretics that based on the breakdown discipline of advanced manufacture equipment, in order to direct maintenance management of the enterprise. 摘要在研究先进制造设备故障规律及特点的基础上,提出以可靠性为中心的差异维修理论,以指导企业对设备的维修管理。
Brought into contact with tragedy, the elements of our being fall, for the moment at any rate, into an ordered and beautiful pattern, as the iron filings arrange themselves under the influence of the magnet. 一旦与悲剧相接触,我们生命中的种种因素,至少在这短短时刻,便纳入一种井然有序、异常美好的规范之中,恰如铁屑在磁铁的吸力下聚拢起来一样。
Brought over to Arsenal in September 2003 at just 16, he became the Club's youngest player and scorer within a couple of months. 自从2003年9月十六岁的法布雷加斯来到阿森纳后,他在不到两个月时间成为俱乐部最年轻的球员和进球者。
Brought up in a small city, I seldom, if ever, communicated with people of outside world as a well frog in consequence of poor condition of communication. 我在一个小城市出生,由于落后的通讯手段,我以前几乎很少有机会与外面的世界沟通交流。
Brought up in an atmosphere of strict, orthodox, Protestant Christianity, he was uninformed on the other great religions of the world and their similarities with his own. 他成长于严格、正统的基督教新教的环境中,对世界上其他伟大宗教和他所信仰的宗教之间的相似性一无所知。
Brought up in town, the boy finds it difficult to separate a poplar from a willow. 那男孩是在城里长大的,所以觉得很难区别杨树和柳树。
Brow chakra: Draw energy up from the feet, through the Base, Spleen, Solar Plexus, Heart and Throat chakras to the Brow chakra. 眉间轮:将能量从脚通过基础轮、脾轮、太阳丛脉轮、心轮和喉轮提升至眉间轮。
Brown : comfort, strength, stability, credibility. 棕色:舒适、力量、稳定、可信。
Brown adipose tissue is sometimes mistaken for a type of gland, which it resembles more than white adipose tissue. 棕色脂肪组织有时候会被误认为是腺体的一种,它与腺体的相似程度比白色脂肪组织高。
Brown asked his friend to go in with him on the purchase of a ship. 布朗要他的朋友和他合伙买进一条船。

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