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He ran his house up the hill.

He ran four miles and came back dead beat. 他跑了四英里路,回来时筋疲力尽。
He ran half-court sets with Kevin Duckworth at center in Portland and he ran a motion offense with Vlade Divac at center in Sacramento. 阿德尔曼在开拓者的时候曾用过中锋凯文?达克沃斯打半场攻势,在国王的时候曾以迪瓦茨为中锋打动态进攻。
He ran his eyes down the list. 他的眼睛迅速地在名单上扫了一下。
He ran his fastest (race). 他尽力快跑。
He ran his horse up the hill. 他策马跑上小山。
He ran his house up the hill. 他策马跑上小山.
He ran his own little store selling mutton and mutton soup. 薛庆观开了一家卖羊肉和羊肉汤的小店。
He ran home in tears to his mother. 他流著泪跑回家去找妈妈.
He ran in the face of danger. 即使面对这样明显的危险,他仍镇定自若。
He ran into a stony hostility, notably from the Dutch but also from the Germans (see article). 他的观点,显然引起了荷兰和德国的不满。
He ran like fury to catch the bus. 他拚命奔跑去追赶公共汽车.

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