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Speaking from the tongue of an experienced simpleton who obviously would rather be an emasculated, infantile complaind.

Speaking disparagingly of people in front of their friends. 在别人的朋友面前说一些瞧不起他的话。
Speaking during a break in their talks, Roh said that he and Hu agreed to work closer together on North Korea. 卢武铉在会谈间歇期间说,他和胡主席同意在朝鲜问题上密切双方的合作。
Speaking english is having fun! 说英语是快乐的!
Speaking for the victim's family, the Rev. 萨朗.贝尔在其婚礼当天被50发的乱枪扫射而亡。
Speaking from classification and current situation of international trade, analyze the influence of international trade on the political pattern and foreign economic of relation to various countries; and the impetus of increasing domestic welfare and whol 从国际贸易的分类和现状谈起,分析了国际贸易对于各国的政治格局,对外经济关系的影响,以及对于国内福利增长和整个世界和平的推动作用。
Speaking from the tongue of an experienced simpleton who obviously would rather be an emasculated, infantile complaind. 这是一个很明显地宁愿选择懦弱且经验颇足的蠢蛋所留下的,幼稚的埋怨。
Speaking good English also requires great discipline and self-sacrifice. If you want to speak good English, you must be mentally and physically strong just like an Olympic athlete. 要说一口流利的英语同样需要严格的纪律和伟大的自我牺牲。如果你想说一口流利的英语,你就必须像奥林匹克运动员一样拥有强健的体魄和过硬的心理素质。
Speaking in Germany Thursday after talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel, President Bush emphasized the importance of speaking with one voiceon Iran, which has yet to formally respond to an international proposal for ending Tehran's nuclear enrichment progr 布什总统星期四在德国与德国总理默克尔会晤后强调在伊朗问题上用一个声音说话的重要性。
Speaking in Seoul Thursday, President Roh Moo-hyun stressed the importance of maintaining working relations with the North to secure South Korea's freedom and stability. 卢武铉总统星期四在首尔强调了同朝鲜保持工作关系以确保韩国自由与稳定的重要性。
Speaking in his column for the Sun, Henry also talked about the importance of three key members of his team, namely Gilberto, Kolo Touré, and Jens Lehmann. 在太阳报的专栏中他还谈到了队中的三个关键人物——吉尔博托、图雷、莱曼。
Speaking increasingly louder is generally accepted as visible indicators of alcohol-induced intoxication. 说话声音越来越大通常可以被认为是受到了酒精影响的醉酒指征。

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