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A Japanese newspaper playfully reported on Thursday, April Fool's Day, that Japan's government was considering handing out lottery tickets to make up for future cuts in payments from the public pension system.

A Japanese group is also testing adult stem cells as a treatment for liver fibrosis. 一个日本团体也正试验成体干细胞,以作为肝纤维化的疗法。
A Japanese lady cannot be bought off the shelf– she needs to be attracted to a man for his own merits. 一个日本女人是无法被采购的,她只能被一个男人的真正魅力所吸引。
A Japanese man angry that a new apartment building put his house in the shade was arrested after shooting about a dozen bullets at it with a competition rifle. 由于对一幢新落成的公寓大楼挡住自家阳光而感到不满,日前日本京都的一位脾气火爆的男子竟抄起一支步枪向该楼连开了大约12枪,目前此人已被警方逮捕。
A Japanese man has been sentenced to five-and-a-half years in jail for snatching mannequins used by a cake shop chain to tout its wares. 一名日本男子被判五年六个月有期徒刑,因为他抢夺一家蛋糕连锁店冉用于宣传产品的人偶。
A Japanese media report says North Korea has fired a short-range missile toward the Sea of Japan. 日本媒体报导,北韩朝日本海发射了一枚短程导弹。
A Japanese newspaper playfully reported on Thursday, April Fool's Day, that Japan's government was considering handing out lottery tickets to make up for future cuts in payments from the public pension system. 上周四,日本某报在愚人节当天新闻报道中开玩笑地说,日本政府打算用彩票来填补因降低公众养老金预算带来的差额.
A Japanese newspaper's public opinion poll last month found that more than three-quarters of those surveyed are against keeping Japanese forces in the war-torn country. 日本报纸上个月公布的一项民意调查显示,四分之三以上接受调查的日本人反对日本自卫队在这个被战争蹂躏的国家继续驻扎。
A Japanese policeman, distraught by working long hours and weekends for two months, stabbed himself in the stomach with a knife to get some time off, police said Monday. 本周一警方消息,日本一名警察因苦于连续两个月超时工作及周末加班,用刀刺伤了自己的肚子,以获得休假的机会。
A Japanese propaganda ballloon\'s slogan reads:“One million Japanese army have landed at hangzhou Bay.”It was used to intimidate Chinese civilians. 日军宣传用气球标语,噱称日军百万登陆来恐吓中国老百姓。
A Japanese vertical scroll painting. 日本的一种垂直式卷轴画。
A Japanese warship took part in the exercise, using its radar to track the test missile, the Pentagon said. 五角大楼表示:一艘日本军舰参加了这次演习,用它的舰载雷达追踪试射导弹。

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