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The results show that 20% Metarhizium anisopliae oil has certain effects on controlling caged locusts, although it has no ideal total result on controlling the high definition locusts in short-term.

The results revealed that the fresh legume total yield was con elated very significantly with the height of plants the number of node, the number of divarication, the length and the weight of per legume and the yield of per plant. 结果表明:鲜豆荚总产量与主蔓长、主蔓节位数、单株分枝数、豆荚长、单荚重、单株鲜豆荚重有极显著的相关性;四棱豆块根的总产量与单株块根数、单株块根重有显著的相关性。
The results shoed that applying potassium humate increased the root fresh mass and root vigor significantly, and promoted the root growth especially in later period. 结果表明:施用腐植酸钾显著地提高了生姜根系鲜质量和根系活力,促进了根系的生长发育,尤其在生育后期表现明显。
The results shoed that most of the forests in Pearl River Delta were of young-medium age, which occupied 80% or more of the total forest area, and their undergrowth biomass accounted for about 33% of the total forest biomass indicating that the regional f 结果表明:珠江三角洲的中幼林面积占森林总面积的80%以上,其林下植被生物量约占森林总生物量的33%,充分考虑林下植被生物量能提高区域森林生物量估算的精度。
The results show merits of robust estimation, which not only holds the merit of traditional neural network, but also has robustness against outliers. 结果表明,稳健估计方法既有传统神经网络的优点,又有较强的抵抗异常值的能力,具有较广泛的实用性。
The results show that (1) the unconsolidated confined aquifer plays a crucial role in load transfer because of its fluidity and replenishment in time, making the loads of overburden soil evenly transfer into the bedrock through the unconsolidated confined 研究结果表明:松散承压含水层条件下,由于承压水的流动性和补给作用,上覆表土层的载荷通过松散承压含水层均匀地作用于下部基岩上,开挖过程中基岩顶界面上的载荷基本保持恒定,松散承压含水层起到均匀传递载荷的作用;无松散承压含水层时,作用在基岩顶界面上的表土层载荷随煤层开挖而显著降低。
The results show that 20% Metarhizium anisopliae oil has certain effects on controlling caged locusts, although it has no ideal total result on controlling the high definition locusts in short-term. 结果表明:20%杀蝗绿僵菌油剂对笼罩内蝗虫的防治具有一定的控制作用,但短期内对高密度蝗虫种群数量的总体控制效果不理想。
The results show that : (1)According to the results of the Quantification Ⅰ model, the style elements of layout、proportion of picture-wordand number of colors usedare very related to the Kansei pair of 『Outstanding-Common』, but the quantity of blank space 研究结果如下:(1)由数量化一类结果得知,七个型态项目中以〈版面编排〉、〈图文比例〉与〈颜色量〉对『突出平凡』感性语汇之相关程度较大,而〈留白量〉与〈背景色彩〉之相关程度较小。
The results show that a monopoly always tends to emphasize its SCM system in its e-business deployment and the weight of CRM to a company is related to the marginal profit produced by e-business. 通过博弈论的建模分析,得出垄断企业总是注重其供应链管理系统的建设,竞争环境下的企业对客户关系管理系统的重视程度是随着电子商务的边际利润的增加而增加的。
The results show that a product with fine quality and pleasant flavour can be obtained from hedgehog hydnum juice 10%, sugar 7%, powdered milk 4%and Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus (1: 1)3%. 试验结果表明:猴头汁添加量为10%,加糖量为7%,奶粉添加量为4%,发酵剂(保加利亚乳杆菌和嗜热乳酸链球菌1:1)接种量为3%,可制得质地细腻、风味优良的猴头汁酸乳。
The results show that adolescents will pursue non-conformity or counter-conformity when the self-congruity is high, while they will pursue non-conformity or conformity when the self-congruity is low. 结果表明,当自我一致性高时,青少年表现出不从众或反从众消费行为;当自我一致性低时,青少年呈现出不从众或从众消费行为。
The results show that after water is successfully blocked, the roadway deformation is controlled using the highly-prestressed anchor combined bolting system and the supporting invalidation is avoided. 结果表明,在成功阻断泥化诱因“水”之后,高强预应力锚杆组合支护体系可有效控制巷道变形,避免泥化导致随后的锚固失效。

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