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Knowing what this organization expects from its people, especially its manager,Torre said on Oct. 10, it's something that on the heels of not being able to get through the first round, it's just something that you understand goes with the territory.

Kitty has no discretion in her coughs,said her father; she times them ill. “吉蒂真不知趣,”她的父亲说;“咳嗽也不知道拣个时候。”
Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist. 「霹雳车,尖端科技的结晶,是一部人性化的万能电脑车。出现在我们这个无其不有的世界,刀枪不入,无所不能。」
Know and understand this: From the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One, the ruler, comes, there will be seven 'sevens,' and sixty-two 'sevens.' It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in times of trouble 25你当知道、当明白、从出令重新建造耶路撒冷、直到有受膏君的时候、必有七个七、和六十二个七.正在艰难的时候、耶路撒冷城连街带濠、都必重新建造。
Know ye that a little leaven leaven the whole lump? 岂不知小小的一点酵,足以使整团面粉发起来吗?
Know your enemies...but do business with them always. 教条177-了解你的敌人,但永远和他们作生意。
Knowing what this organization expects from its people, especially its manager,Torre said on Oct. 10, it's something that on the heels of not being able to get through the first round, it's just something that you understand goes with the territory. 我了解球迷们对这支球队的期望,尤其是总教练,托瑞在10月10日说:第一轮比赛有一些事情发生,这些事情你可以了解情势会有点改变。
Lis for knowledge, always learning and using what you know for the betterment of life and society. 代表关爱,不求回报的爱,它不仅是情感上或生理上的,更是精神上的。
L.O.C. Plus Bathroom Cleaner smells good and is effective in cleaning the hidden dirt on glazed tiles. No scrubbing is needed, even to remove the toughest stains. 灵验浴室清洁剂气味清新芳香,对付藏于凹凸瓷砖表面的污垢尤其有效,不用大力擦拭,也能将污垢洗得一乾二净!」
LAW1 The minister of Dormitory may not infringe rights and interests of Dormitory members, and, through inaction, allow a Dormitory member to come to harm. “定律二:寝室长必须遵从寝室成员给出的命令,但不得与定律一相抵触。”
La Dame aux Camelliasreflects the bitterness of the society,which makes people perceive human nature at all times. 《茶花女》是一本随时随地使人读懂人性的书,茶花女的故事能够体现出社会的悲凉!
Lacerate: The tooltip has been adjusted to indicate it does initial bleed damage when the ability first lands. 割裂:技能说明已调整以说明它命中目标时立即产生少量流血伤害.

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