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Is it okay for me to try it on?

Is it okay for me to call him by his first name? 我可以直呼其名吗?
Is it okay for me to hand in my paper tomorrow? 我明天交作业行吗?
Is it okay for me to order now? 我现在可以点菜了吗?
Is it okay for me to sit with my boss in the meeting? 开会时我跟上司坐在一起合适吗?
Is it okay for me to step in with my shoes on? 我可以穿着鞋进来吗?
Is it okay for me to try it on? 我可以试穿一下吗?
Is it okay for me to turn up the heater? 我可以将暖气调大一点吗?
Is it okay for me to use your computer? 我可以用一下你的电脑吗?
Is it one of the eight weird things? 它是不是八怪其中的一怪呀?
Is it only for bowing one's head like a reed and for lying on sackcloth and ashes? 岂是叫人垂头象苇子,用麻布和炉6灰铺在他以下吗?
Is it ordained in heaven that women should work in the home? 女人就该在家里干活儿, 这是上天的旨意吗?

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