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I'll just rinse out these shirts.

I'll just find out for you. 我给您看看他在不在?
I'll just go and freshen (myself) up before the interview. 我这就去梳洗打扮一番再去会面.
I'll just have a little nosh at lunchtime, perhaps a hot dog. 我只要在午餐时间吃一点小吃,也许是热狗。
I'll just have to give the speech off the top of my head. 没有时间写稿,我只好即席发言。
I'll just jot down their phone number before I forget it. 我得把电话号码记下来,以免待会儿忘记。
I'll just rinse out these shirts. 我正想漂净这几件衬衫。
I'll just rough in the shape of the head and you can paint the sky round it. 我把头形勾勒出来,你可以在头四周画上天空。
I'll just run through these letters, and then we'll go out. 我把这几封信赶快看一遍,然后我们就出去。
I'll just run through this list of figures. 我要把这份数字表很快看一遍。
I'll just say that the Grail's effect will be very unusual for HMM, but quite logical for such a town. 我能透露的是,圣杯的作用在HMM中将非常不同,但非常符合该城镇。
I'll just sew up that tear, and the coat will be as good as new. 我把大衣的破处缝好,就会完好如新了。

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