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Many Clairsentience powers have cone-shaped areas.

Many Chinese scholars and writers have disagreed with this record! 许多中国学者和作家都同意这项纪录!
Many Chinese still use loose-leaf tea rather than tea bag. (许多老中还用散装茶叶,而不用茶袋。)
Many Chinese welding industry organizations are set in the CEWMRI, including National Electric Welding Machine Quality Supervise And Test Center, China National Standardization Technical Committee of Electric Welding Machine, China Welding Industry Promot 国家电焊机质量监督检验中心、全国电焊机标准化技术委员会、焊接设备行业生产力促进中心、中国电器工业协会电焊机分会、中国电工技术学会电焊技术专业委员会、中国焊接协会焊接设备专业委员会等组织均挂靠在所内。
Many Christians backslide because this truth is not clearly taught. 许多基督徒所以冷淡退后,就是因为不认识这个真理。
Many Christians seek the Throne of Grace that they may find grace sufficient for their need, but they do not tarry until the grace from the Throne of God and of the Lamb fills their entire life, and enables them to walk night and day in its light, and exp 很多基督徒在寻找施恩宝座,因为从那里他们可寻找够用的恩典,但他们不停止直到神和羔羊的宝座充满他们全部的生命,使他们昼夜能在它的光中行走,经历它荣耀完全的印象。
Many Clairsentience powers have cone-shaped areas. 心灵预言系许多异能的影响区域是锥状。
Many Congolese have expressed fears that the losers of the presidential election, many of whom still have armed groups, will not accept the outcome of the election. 许多刚果人害怕总统竞选失利者不能接受选举结果结果,他们大部分都仍有武装不对。
Many Cuban Americans in Miami have been waiting to hear word of Fidel Castro's health. 在美国迈阿密,许多古巴裔美国人正等待着有关菲德尔?卡斯特罗健康状况的消息。
Many Democrats have never reconciled themselves to the result: George Bush, they claim, stole the election by fancy legal chicanery. 许多民主党人士从来就不接受这个结果,他们宣称乔治·布什靠老谋深算的法律骗术窃取了总统职位。
Many Democrats say those years moved the nation too far right, but others argue that the big tax cuts and regulatory relaxations are part of the permanent legislative framework that should be accepted. 许多民主党人认为在共和党治下美国太过右倾,而另一些人则不同意这一观点,他们认为大幅减税并减少政策干预是可以接受的永久性法制框架。
Many Druids were women; the Celtic woman enjoyed more freedom and rights than women in any other contemporary culture, including the rights to enter battle, and divorce her husband. 很多德鲁伊教团员是女性,凯尔特女性比任何同时代文化的其他女性拥有更多的自由和权利,包括参加战争的权利,还有与丈夫离婚的权利。

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