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ABSTRACT: The phenomena and reasons of disjunction between theory and practice in research of ecological architecture are analyzed in detail, which is followed by the thinking about how to solve the key problems.

ABSTRACT: The article discusses the applied model and its algorithm of the application of neural network in the field of urban investment environment evaluation, and an application example is given. 摘要:阐述了神经网络方法在城市投资环境评价领域中的应用模型及其操作算法,并给出了应用实例。
ABSTRACT: The influences of the urban development strategy on the speed, the direction, the prospect and the performance of a city have become more and more marked. 摘要:城市发展战略对城市发展的速度、方向、前景以及绩效的影响效已越来越显著。
ABSTRACT: The most obvious characteristic of medium-sized cities is the their strong polarization, in which the unceasing concentration of industries and population is irrepressible. 摘要:中等城市的最大特点是强极化性,产业和人口的不断聚集是不可遏制的趋势。
ABSTRACT: The optic pollution has been becoming an important urban issue. 摘要:光污染问题已经成为城市发展中的主要问题。
ABSTRACT: The paper introduces the concept,measures,procedure and examples of Land Readjustment method used in urban renewal and new town\'s construction in Japan.It focuses on the self-finance principle and the concept of contribution,replotting,reserve 摘要:介绍日本在旧城改造和新城建设中运用的“土地区画整理”手段的概念、方法、实施过程和实例分析,详解了在基础设施建设中的“经费自足”的原则以及土地减步、地块重整和预留地的概念,对于我国当前城市建设中的用地调整有一定的借鉴作用。
ABSTRACT: The phenomena and reasons of disjunction between theory and practice in research of ecological architecture are analyzed in detail, which is followed by the thinking about how to solve the key problems. 摘要:针对我国当前城市生态建筑研究中理论建构与实证操作脱节的现象和原因进行了深入剖析,并就如何解决其中的关键问题提出具体的思路。
ABSTRACT: The reason of city-alienation is that the matter-purpose has covered the human-purpose and the human nature has yielded to substance-desire. 摘要:推究城市异化的根由,源于物的目的遮蔽了人的目的,人性屈从于物欲。
ABSTRACT: The research on interurban economics should be paid great attention to in the course of urban economic and social harmonious development in China. 摘要:摘要在我国城市经济社会协调发展进程中,应当重视对市际经济学的研究。
ABSTRACT: The theory of regional structure of urban agglomerations is a basic theory which researches spatial characteristic of urban agglomerations and evolutional law. 摘要:城市群地域结构理论是研究城市群空间特征及其演化规律的基本理论。
ABSTRACT: This article introduces a new word \The New Urbanism\from U.S.\' communities architects, focusing on the critical elements of communities\' form, and discussing their conceptions and meanings. 摘要:针对美国社区建筑师近来提出的“新城市主义”一词,探讨城市蔓延带来的社区问题,以及从城市的角度出发,提炼社区的形态要素,讨论其定义、关联和意义。
ABSTRACT: This assay initially discussed the researches and developments of syntheses and reforming of the tetratlycidyletyer of tetraphenol ethane applying to the copper clad laminate and simply explained its principles and functions of UV-ray shield and 摘要:本文对四官能环氧树脂[1,1,2,2—四(对羟基苯基)乙烷四缩水甘油醚]的合成与改性及在覆铜板中的应用作了初步探讨,并对其屏蔽紫外线与产生荧光的机理作用作粗浅的阐述。

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