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Should you find such Jack-the-lad design over-the-top, you will be offered screwball design instead.

Should you entertain my application favorably,I would spare no trouble to acquit my- self to your satisfaction. 假如应征获得青睐而进入贵公司服务,本人必以排除万难之决心,为贵公司工作,以符厚望。
Should you ever need to select a new account type, our specialists will work with you to close your current account and to open a new account with your updated information. 如果您需要选择新的帐户类型,我们的专家会帮助您关闭目前的帐户,并利用您更新后的信息建立新帐户。
Should you feel mild headache because of too low calorie supply, take one or two more whole meal biscuits during the day. 若因此而出现轻微头痛,可每日进食多一至两片全麦饼干。
Should you feel that a family member, colleague, friend, or neighbor is acting in a strange manner, contact the Magical Law Enforcement Squad at once. 若发现亲人、同事、朋友或邻居举止异常,马上与法律执行队联系。
Should you find it difficult to follow our food plan, cut the amount of your regular daily meals to half and avoid oil, butter, starch product, cheese, fat alcohol, soft drink. 若阁下未能依照上述食谱进食,可将每日食量减半,并避免吃食油,牛油,淀粉质,芝士,脂肪及饮用酒类和汽水。
Should you find such Jack-the-lad design over-the-top, you will be offered screwball design instead. 一旦你发现这种高层建筑物的设计过度泛滥,那么稀奇古怪的设计随后将会取而代之.
Should you give me a trial, I will do my best to afford you every satisfaction. 如获贵公司的试用,本人将竭尽全力,以满足贵公司的要求。
Should you happen to see him, please give him my regards. 如果你碰巧见到他,请代我向他致意。
Should you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact me. 如果你方有任何疑问,请联系我方,不必拘束。
Should you have any prayer requests, please leave us a comment in this post. We will remember you during our prayer meeting. 若你有甚麽事情需要代祷支持,请在下面留言,我们会于祈祷会中为你们祷告守望。
Should you have any queries about your account, please do not hesitate to call me on 01796 116164. 如果您对您的帐单有任何疑问的话,请拨打电话01796116164。

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