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17 mins - Henry heads over from Reyes\' inswinging free-kick from the right.

17 Wee got to report back to the head office. 我们还要回去向总部汇报情况呢。
17 What Values Do People Hold? 人们持什么样的价值观?
17 When personal and family goals conflict, many people who express strong support for family values do not live up to those values. 17当个人的奋斗目标与家庭的奋斗目标发生冲突时,许多信誓旦旦表白自己家庭观念强烈的人却将家庭观念置于拖后。
17 Zhang ZQ. Effectiveness on WBC and RBC of complex prescription glue mucilage for tumour patients. Zhongguo She Qu Yi Shi.2005; 21(1): 24. Chinese. 张再庆。复方阿胶浆对肿瘤患者红细胞和白细胞的影响。中国社区医师。2005;21(1):24.
17 classes make up the Grade Three in our school. 我们学校高三年级是由17个班级组成的。
17 mins - Henry heads over from Reyes\' inswinging free-kick from the right. 17分钟-亨利接雷耶斯任意球头球高出横梁。
17 pieces of famous calligraphy and 6 pieces rubbing are collected in this series showing the infinite charm of the Chinese calligraphy. 中国历史上最珍贵的法书、碑帖拓本,大多被历代帝王收藏,本片展示了其中最著名的17件名人法书和6件碑帖拓本。
17 roller skating lovers wearing swimming suits move one after another on a special skating lane along the western seacoast of Haikou, South China's Hainan Province December 21. 中国的北方天寒地冻,但在中国最南端的海南省海口市,年轻人依然可以穿着泳衣到海边轮滑。
17 species in east Asia.Very similar to Japanese paulownia.Planted in Brazil and Paraguay. 计17种﹐分布于东亚﹐与日本桐十分近似﹐在巴西与巴拉圭有造林木。
17 years old, she is not literate, do not look for her to write the letter, she goad to allow children to read the newspaper and pasted them on the wall, and one to remember those words, a few months after she read the Song of Youth. 17岁,她还不认字,不会看爸妈写来的信,她用激将法让小朋友念贴在墙上的报纸,并一个个记住那些字,几个月后她竟看懂了《青春之歌》。
17I suppose that is why he came to me when he went broke, that and the fact that he was a namesake of mine. “大概就是因为这个,当他落得一文不名的时候,就来找我了,再说他和我同姓。

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