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the main range that the knee cap increases the arm of force is 90°-0° when the knee joint is extended.

the length of inferior gluteal artery was . 7 ± .mm and the diameter was .9 ±0. 7mm(from the foramen infrapiriformis to enter the muscle) . 臀下动脉自梨状肌下孔至入肌点的可游离长度为.7± .mm,外径.9 ±0.7mm。
the length of myocardial sleeves of the inferior vena cave was .0±.00 mm,and the thickness was 0.±0.8 mm. 下(后)腔静脉心肌袖的长和宽为:.±.00mm,0.±0.8mm.
the length of the pallial thickening was short,the cubage of the nucleus was approximately 0.mm .From the rostral part to the caudal part the nucleus extended gradually to max,then died down. Pth离端脑前切点近,核团长度很短,体积大约0.mm ,。
the ligula about mm high,and the cilium of the ligula about mm long; 叶舌高约 mm,具长约mm纤毛;
the main drugs abused were: heroin(7 cases, .7%),ecstasy( 0 cases, 0.%); 主要滥用毒品的种类:海洛因7例( .7%)、“摇头丸” 0例( 0.%);
the main range that the knee cap increases the arm of force is 90°-0° when the knee joint is extended. 90°~0°的伸膝范围是髌骨起增大力臂作用的主要范围。
the majority were between and 8 years of age (/ ). Headache was the most common symptom of onset and the average course of the disease was - years. The posterior fossae tumors with cm× cm× cm- cm× cm× cm size were demonstrated by enhanced CT or MRI. 果 例脑膜瘤中女性7例,男性8例,发病年龄多见于~8岁(/),多以头痛起病,病程平均~ 年,增强CT或MRI显示肿瘤位于后颅窝,大小为 cm× cm×cm~cm×cm×cm;
the mature anther wall comprises the epidermis, the fibrous endothecium, - middle layers and a secretory tapetum; 串果藤的花药四室,花药壁由表皮(层细胞)、药室内壁(层细胞)、中层(一 层细胞)及腺质绒毡层(层细胞)组成。
the maximal pore radium .7 μm, the median pore radii .9-. μm and loose layer of ~8 m thickness encountered; 最大孔隙半径 .7μm ,中值半径 .9~ . μm ,有厚约 8m的疏松岩层 ;
the myoneme CSA of diabetic group in week was lower than it in week 0(P<0.0); in week ,there was no significant difference between diabetic group and control group(P>0.0). 血清IGF-在周、0周、周实验组较对照组降低(P<0.0),周、0周、周实验组渐降低,无统计学意义(P>0.0);
the number of midland are 8.98 hundred million yuan/a and 0. hundred million yuan/a separately; and the western are 8. hundred million yuan/a and .0 hundred million yuan/a. 中部总量为8.98×08yuan/a,各省平均为0.×08yuan/a,西部总量8.×08yuan/a,各省平均为.0×08yuan/a.

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