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A third of this vast region, the world's biggest patch of frozen ground, is covered with lakes that are growing as subterranean ice melts.

A third of men will be officially obese in four years' time if current trends continue, the Government said. 政府指出,如果目前趋势不变,三分之一男子在四年内将正式列为过胖。
A third of people suffering serious depression recover with the first antidepressant they try, and well-educated white women are most likely to benefit, according to initial results of an eagerly awaited study on the controversial drugs. 根据一份针对颇受争议的抗忧郁剂所作研究的初步结果显示,有3分之1的病患,在首次服用这种药后,病情有明显改善,其中受过良好教育的白人妇女情况尤其明显。
A third of the corn and more than half the soybeans and cotton grown in the US last year were the product of biotechnology, according to the Department of Agriculture. 根据农业部的统计,美国去年所种植玉米的1/3,大豆和棉花的一半以上都是生物技术的产物。
A third of the country is at risk of being turned into desert as climate change and tourism add to the effects of farming. 由于气候变化、旅游业发展以及对土地的开垦,该国三分之一的国土已处于荒漠化的威胁之下。
A third of the day was without light, and also a third of the night. 以致日月星的三分之一黑暗了,白昼的三分之一没有光,黑夜也是这样。
A third of this vast region, the world's biggest patch of frozen ground, is covered with lakes that are growing as subterranean ice melts. 随着地下冰层的溶化,这个世界上最大的冻土带有三分之一的地区被这样的湖水覆盖,而且湖水的水量在不断增长。
A third of women say their hair is the most important part of their appearance, and they spend more time styling their hair than doing their make-up. 有三分之一的女性说,头发是她们外表最为重要的部分,她们花在美发上的时间要比化妆的时间多。
A third officer faces lesser charges. 另外一名警员会面对较少的指控。
A third part of thee shall die with the pestilence, and with famine shall they be consumed in the midst of thee: and a third part shall fall by the sword round about thee and I will scatter a third part into all the winds, and I will draw out a sword afte 结5:12你的民三分之一、必遭瘟疫而死、在你中间必因饥荒消灭.三分之一、必在你四围倒在刀下.我必将三分之一分散四方、〔方原文作风〕并要拔刀追赶他们。
A third party is formed by the fusion of independent republican and democrats. 一个第三党由共和党和民主党之独立份子联合而组成。
A third party was formed by the fusion of indendent Republicans and Democrats. 第三政党是由共和党和民主党的独立份子所融合组成。

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