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All the time Cixi City Tianyun Bearing Co., Ltd insists on training and reserving the talent and is engaged in developing new products and exerts itself to make the company become a forerunner in the bearing industry.

All the things there are to learn and know that don't impact directly on their immediate lives they dismiss as “trivia”. 那些不会对生活产生立即影响的所有事情,都是被他们排除在真实世界之外的可以忽略的琐事。
All the things, which have caused harmful consequences through injection, medicine-taking, infusion of fluid, blood transfusion and use of apparatus, shall be sealed up for safekeeping temporarily for on-the-spot examination. 因注射、服药、输液、输血以及使用器械引起不良后果的,应当暂时封存有关实物,以备查验。
All the tickets have been sold for the singer's performance in Paris this week-the public clearly believes that this will be her swan song. 这位歌唱家本星期在巴黎演唱的全部门票都销售一空——显然,公众认为这将是她最后一次告别演出。
All the tickets have been sold out for the singer's solo concert. The public clearly believe that this will be her swan song. 那位歌手的个人演唱会的门票已经全部卖完。公众非常清楚,这是它的告别演出。
All the tickets having been sold out, they went away disappointedly. 所有的票已经卖光了,他们失望地离开了。
All the time Cixi City Tianyun Bearing Co., Ltd insists on training and reserving the talent and is engaged in developing new products and exerts itself to make the company become a forerunner in the bearing industry. 慈溪市天运轴承有限公司始终坚持培养人才和储备人才,着力于新产品的开发,致力使公司处于轴承行业的前沿。
All the time I was talking he was jotting down. 每次我在讲话时,他就会记录下来。
All the time he was boasting about his adventures, Celia was gazing at him with her big round eyes as much as to sayWhat a wonderful man you are! 他一直都在吹虚着他的冒险经历,西莉亚睁大圆圆的眼睛看着他,似乎是说:“你是个多么了不起的男子汉啊!”
All the time he was in the city the secret police dogged his steps. 他在该市逗留期间一直受到秘密警察的跟踪。
All the time she chanted a prayer; this was partly about fulfilling one's dreams in Lhasa and having no regrets. 阳光斜斜洒在她花白的头发上,给她镀上一层金光。
All the time they agonize and pray. 他们一直在忍受苦痛并且祈祷。

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