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3 You ought to know better than to gamble your money away.

3 Why doi birds fly south? 鸟为什么往南飞?
3 Without prejudice to article 10.2, a ground of relief under this clause relieves the party failing to perform from liability in damages, from penalties and other contractual sanctions, except from the duty to pay interest on money owing as long as and t 3在不违反第10.2条的前提下,本条款规定的免责事由使不能履行义务的一方免除了支付损害赔偿金、罚金和其它合同制裁的责任,但只要该事由存在并持续,对于支付拖欠款项利息的责任则不能免除。
3 Work in pairs. Say what you always/usually/often/never do on your birthday. 结对练习。说出在你生日那天你总/通常/经常/从不做的事情。
3 You can change your internal responses to these external factors. 你可以按照这些外部因素来改变你的内部反应。
3 You forgot to step on the clutch before you changed/shifted gears! 在换档前你忘了踩离合器了。
3 You ought to know better than to gamble your money away. 你应该懂得不能赌博,把钱输掉.
3 You receive EXP after the battle is won even when KO'd. (战斗胜利之后,即使是在KO状态的角色也可以得到经验。)
3 You'll be surprised / you'll be surprised. You can use this informally to suggest to someone they might have a different opinion or reaction to something to what they expect. 你会大吃一惊的。你可以用这个非正式的句子来暗示某人对某物的意见、或者反应可能和预期的不同。
3 Zhou HD, Chen ME, Yuan P. Study of acute cerebrovascular disease complicated by gastrointestinal failure. Lin Chuang Yi Xue. 1997; 17(4): 3738. Chinese. 周华东,陈曼娥,袁萍。急性脑血管病并发胃肠功能衰竭的研究。临床医学。1997;17(4):3738.
3 Zhuhai deaf-mute girls won the 1st prize with their Chinese zither ensemble at the 6th national Handicapped Person Art Festival. 在第六届全国残疾人艺术汇演上,来自我市三名聋哑女孩表演的古筝合奏获得了一等奖。
3 a finnish fisher named fisher failed to fish any fish one friday afternoon and finally he found out a big fissure in his fishing -net. 一个名叫费希尔的芬兰渔民在一个星期五的下午未能捕捉到任何鱼,结果他发现的鱼网上有一个大裂口。

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