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Methods: The prognosis factors of 286 patients with severe hepatitis were studied with monofactor analysis(χ2 test, t test and polyfactors analysis(logistic regressive analysis.

Methods: The method was based on the adsorption of organic solvents on activated charcoal, desorption with CS2 and analysis of the abtained solution by FFAP capillary GC with FID detector. 方法:用活性碳吸附管采集空气中有机溶剂,CS2解吸,经FFAP毛细管色谱柱分离,以氢火焰离子化检测器检测。
Methods: The middle school students in forestry and animal husbandry middle school of Weihui city were investigated during an outbreak of food poisoning. 方法:对卫辉市林牧中学发生食物中毒引发中学生群体性癔病进行调查。
Methods: The occupational health status were investigated in enterprise which N-Hexane were used, and the concentration of N-Hexane in the workplace was monitored and the occupational physical examination was conducted for workers. 方法:编制职业卫生调查表,逐条对企业职业卫生现状进行调查,并对工作场所空气中正已烷浓度进行监测及部分企业员工开展职业性健康检查。
Methods: The operative time,fart time, wound healing, and bleeding were compared between new and traditional cesarean sections. 方法:选取病例分为新式剖宫产组及传统剖宫产组,比较两组手术时间、术后体温恢复、术后排气、伤口愈合、出血等临床指标。
Methods: The patients with carotid atherosclerotic plaques were divided into Tiaozhi capsule group and lovastatin group and treated for 6 monthes, compared the carotid intima-media thickness and plaques area. 方法:将颈动脉有软斑块患者分为调脂胶囊组和洛伐他汀组治疗6个月,比较两组患者治疗前后颈动脉内中膜厚度和斑块大小的变化。
Methods: The prognosis factors of 286 patients with severe hepatitis were studied with monofactor analysis(χ2 test, t test and polyfactors analysis(logistic regressive analysis. 方法:对本院1996~1998年收治的286例重型肝炎患者预后的影响因素进行单因素分析和多因素分析。
Methods: The rate of diagnosis and therapy of psychiatric consultation were anslysed in year 1994, 1996 and 2004. 方法:分别比较1994年、1999年及2004年综合医院精神科向非精神科患者提供会诊的科室、诊断及治疗方案。
Methods: The registration and treatment were done in newly registered and recurrent smear positive cases with pulmonary tuberculosis from January 2000 to December 2001. 方法:对2000年1月~2001年12月间登记、管理、治疗的初复治涂阳肺结核病人进行追踪调查。
Methods: The results of endoscopic sinus surgery in 57 elder patients were analysed retrospectively. 方法回顾分析57例老年慢性鼻窦炎、鼻息肉病人(年龄≥60)鼻内镜手术治疗的效果。
Methods: The root canal with root canal orifice burs and helical drilling bits were prepared in advance. 方法:采用根管口台阶状车针与螺旋型根管钻组合起来扩大根管。
Methods: The sartorius muscle was processed by conventional chemical fixation and cryofixation followed by freezing substitution. 方法:蟾蜍缝匠肌经常规化学固定以及超低温快速冷冻固定、冷冻置换后,透射电镜进行超微结构观察。

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