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A deadly fire spread that night through the states of Michigan and Wisconsin.

A dead whale was tried out by some speculating fisherman. 有个投机的渔民把一条死鲸鱼熬成了油。
A dead-fish handshake shows one's reluctance to shake hands. 死鱼式的握手:一种很不情愿的握手。
A deadline set by the court ordering her to authorise the demolition ran out on Thursday, and it was not clear what steps the authorities would take next. 星期四,法院裁定要求她授权房屋让人拆除的最后期限已过,但看不出当地政府部门下一步将采取什么措施。
A deadline was set for the Nationalist answer. 通牒规定国民党人必须限期答复。
A deadlock, as in negotiations; an impasse. 僵局僵局,如在谈判中的;死路
A deadly fire spread that night through the states of Michigan and Wisconsin. 在1871年10月8日星期天,中西部发生惊人的大火,加上当时环境因素配合,火势一发不可收拾。
A deadly wildfire in Southern California now 85-percent contained. Four firefighters have died battling the blaze. Another is in critical condition. 34 homes are also destroyed in the arson blaze. 加州南部一次致命的野火现在已被遏制了85%。4名消防员在救火中牺牲。还有一个情况很危急。34个家庭在这次纵火事件中被毁。
A deaf collie puppy confined to kennels for two months because prospective adopters have overlooked him has been taught sign language in an effort to find him a new home. 近日,为了能给一只失聪的小牧羊犬找到安身之处,英国一家动物保护所的工作人员正在给小狗进行为期两个月的手语学习。
A deal could be brokered where Mesto moves to Inter in exchange for Alvaro Recoba, with the Serie A leaders paying a minority percentage of the Uruguayan's wages. 交易可能是这样的:梅斯托前往国米,而作为交换雷科巴前往雷吉纳,而国米则负担他一部分的工资.
A deal for Artest could include as many as four teams, and the Nuggets' injured forward-center Nene is expected to be a part of any Denver deal. 至少有四个队希望交易得到阿泰斯特,掘金队受伤的中锋内内可能将会成为交易的一部分。
A deal for the acquisition had long been in the works, but it appeared to have foundered since late last year amid a chill in relations between Washington and Moscow. 该交易运作已久,但真正进入实质阶段还是在去年晚些时候,那时美国和俄罗斯的关系开始降温。

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