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Special schools and special classes attached to ordinary schools at or above senior middle school level, as well as institutions of vocational and technical education for disabled persons, shall be responsible for providing cultural education at or above

Special relativity doesn't account for gravity, but it can deal with accelerations. 狭义相对论不能够解释重力,但是可以处理加速问题。
Special relativity is all about high-velocity motion. 通常我们只会把狭义相对论和高速运动联想在一起。
Special risks, such as TPND (Theft, Pilferage and Non-delivery), leakage, breakage, oil, freshwater, etc. can also be covered upon request. 特殊险如偷窃险、提货不着险、漏损险、破损险、油污险、淡水险等等也可以根据客户要求投保。
Special rituals and celebrations were held to welcome back the sun. 于是,人们便举行各种特殊的仪式来欢迎太阳的回归。
Special safety concepts signalise a beginning failure of the leakproof operation. 当无泄露操作开始出现故障时,特殊的安全装置会有报警信号发出。
Special schools and special classes attached to ordinary schools at or above senior middle school level, as well as institutions of vocational and technical education for disabled persons, shall be responsible for providing cultural education at or above 高级中等以上特殊教育学校、普通学校附设的教育班和残疾人职业技术教育机构,对符合条件的残疾人实施高级中等以上文化教育、职业技术教育。
Special schools at or below junior middle school level and special classes attached to ordinary schools shall be responsible for the implementation of compulsory education for disabled children and juveniles who are not able to respond to ordinary educati 初级中等以下特殊教育学校和普通学校附设的特殊教育班,对不具有接受普通教育能力的残疾儿童、少年实施义务教育。
Special secondary(discharge)feeding circuit. 二级(排渣)进给专用电路。
Special services included Supplementary medical insurance; Automobile insurance; Family and property insurance; Duty insurance; Personal mortgage loan housing insurance; Erection all risks Insurance; Contractors All Risks Insurance; Additional injury insu 专业做货运保险(平安险、水渍险、一切险),我司的具体服务还包括补充医疗保险,机动车车辆保险,家庭和财产保险,责任保险个人抵押贷款房屋保险;安装一切险;建筑工程一切险;意外伤害保险;出国人员意外伤害医疗、救援保险等等。
Special shape and distributing feature of Xinjiang geomorphy reflect change of deep material motion of crust and lithosphere. 摘要新疆独有的地貌形态及展布特征反映了地壳-岩石圈深部物质运移变化的结果。
Special silicon latex can stick to each hair to make the hair smooth and elegant. 特种有机硅乳液,能吸附在每根头发上,令头发丝质顺滑,临风飘逸。

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