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For example, the general system loop for a steam autoclave under computer control could consist of temperature/pressure sensors connected to a microprocessor which transmits commands to steam/vacuum control valves.

For example, the efficiency coefficient of power station is an important parameter in the STOD model, whereas the correlative study is very seldom. 如短期优化调度模型中的出力系数计算问题的研究就很少,而它都是影响短期优化调度计算精度的重要因素。
For example, the film was about deleting certain memories, hence the use of elephants (in our culture, they never forget). 举例来说,这部片跟删除记忆有关,而片中出现了大象游行的片段(在我们的文化中,大象从不遗忘)。
For example, the first attempt at a component model was a victim of such infighting, as was the first attempt at a C++ mapping. 例如,第一次对于组件模型的努力就是这种混战的受害者,正如第一次对C++映射的努力一样。
For example, the following is a real number parser policy that parses thousands separated numbers with at most two decimal places and no exponent. 例如,下面是一个分析千位分隔、最多两位小数、没有指数部分的实数。
For example, the front two people together through to a person's clothing bad, and another good clothes, wearing a dog certainly facing bad people call out and began to feel instinct is, in fact, this is not the dog is through the long period of training 比方说,前方有两个人,一起走过来,一个人的衣服不好,而另一个人的衣服很好,狗肯定对着穿着不好的人叫唤,开始感觉是本能,其实不是的,也是狗通过长时间的训练养成的习惯。
For example, the general system loop for a steam autoclave under computer control could consist of temperature/pressure sensors connected to a microprocessor which transmits commands to steam/vacuum control valves. 例如,计算机控制的蒸汽高压灭菌器的常规系统回路包括,连接到微处理器的温度/压力传感器,来把命令传递给蒸汽/真空控制阀。
For example, the invention of television and space rocket have opened a new era for mankind. 例如,电视及火箭的发明为人类开创了一个新纪元。
For example, the killing or disappearanceof critics and activists only serves to anger their family or friends, who in turn continue the struggle against the regime, and so on. 例如,对于评论者和行动主义者的屠杀或者强迫消失只会使他们的家人或朋友感到生气,而使这些人转而持续挣扎与政权对抗。
For example, the loss of an efficient secretary who understands your routine would be devastating. 举个例子,失去一个知道你的日常事务的高效率的秘书具有破坏性。
For example, the market share of Japanese car in the United States in 2004 exceeds thirty percent; Toyota Motor takes a steady stand in the second place by exceeding Ford in its sales volume in the American market in successive years and now it has framed 例如,2004年日本车在美国市场份额超过30%,丰田汽车在美国市场销售额连年超过福特稳居第二,目前又制定了超过通用公司争夺世界第一的战略目标。
For example, the mass of an electron is really a coupling between a left handed electron and a right handed electron, which is the antiparticle of a left handed positron. 它们与其他费米子不同处在于它们没有一种叫“色”的性质,所以它们的作用力(弱力、电磁力)会随距离增加变得越来越弱。

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