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This paper researches on the water decanter,the core equipment of SBR technology,introduces the types and features of the water decanter,and analyzes on the advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of the water decanters.

This paper researched a learning algorithm of bayesian networks in incomplete data which algorithm combined niche genetic algorithm with EM algorithm.Then the experiment shows the algorithm is valid. 在数据缺失的情况下讨论一种贝叶斯网络的结构学习算法。该算法结合了小生境遗传算法和EM算法,最后通过试验说明了该算法的有效性。
This paper researches a method to predict tunneling-induced ground subsidence with artificial neural network. 摘要对采用人工神经网络技术预测随道地表沉降模型中进行了研究。
This paper researches leakage monitor control system of long distance gas pipeline based on instantaneous model of natural gas, and exemplified it is a feasible detection means. 根据管道的瞬态数学模型,进行了长距离输气管线泄漏监测技术的研究,结果表明,此种方法是一种可行的管道泄漏检测方法。
This paper researches on the driving condition supervision based on the multi-sensor information fusion technology,expounds the principles of selecting the sensor information in this technology,and probes into the supervision system structure,system treat 对基于多传感器信息融合技术的驾驶状态监控进行了研究,阐述了该技术中传感信息的选择原则,并就监控系统的结构、系统处理模型和监控系统的工作过程进行了探讨。
This paper researches on the three-dimensional planting mode of winter wheat,maize and soya beans,advances a series of farming system and planting mode that is suitable for Jinzhong Area,Shanxi Province,to achieve the aim of increasing both production and 研究了冬小麦间作玉米复播大豆立体种植模式,提出了一套适合山西省晋中地区的农作制度与种植模式,以达到增产增收和高效用水的目的。
This paper researches on the water decanter,the core equipment of SBR technology,introduces the types and features of the water decanter,and analyzes on the advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of the water decanters. 对SBR工艺核心设备滗水器进行研究,介绍了滗水器的类型和特点,分析了不同类型滗水器的优缺点。
This paper researches the buy back contact how to coordinate the supply chain a the condition that the supplier's and the retailer's marginal casts increase with their outputs. 摘要本文讨论在供应商和销售商的边际成本都随产量递增的情况下,回购契约是如何协调供应链的。
This paper researches the influence of no treating, paving cement and fly ash paste, and paving cement mortar on RCC layer surface upon the ultimate tensile strain of placing joint of RCC layers under the condition of different interval of placement of RC 研究在不同的层间间隔时间条件下,采用不同的胶凝材料用量,对碾压混凝土层面分别采取不处理,铺水泥粉煤灰浆(简称水泥净浆)、水泥砂浆等处理措施对碾压混凝土层面极限拉伸值的影响。
This paper researches the mechanism of matrix code, discusses algorithm skeleton and characteristics, comparatively fully depicts selection, crossover and mutation operators which are often used in matrix-coded genetic algorithm, and introduces some futur 文章对矩阵编码的机制进行了研究,讨论了矩阵编码的算法框架及特点,对矩阵编码中的选择、交叉和变异算子进行了比较全面的形式化描述,并介绍了其未来研究方向。
This paper researches the registration process zero-watermark for relation database.it constructs the model of the zero-watermark registration and designs a mechanism of zero-watermark registration,then describes the algorithm in detail,at last it analyze 对关系数据库的零水印方案的注册过程进行了研究,构造了关系数据库零水印的注册模型;依据注册模型提出了一套零水印注册机制,并描述了注册算法;最后分析了本方案的特点。
This paper researchs into the problem on fitting the shell flight-time of anti-aircraft gun by interpolation and quadratic approximation. 摘要用插值拟合和最小二乘逼近拟合方法对高炮射弹飞行时间拟合问题进行了研究。

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