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Plain glass is transparent.

Plain computed tomography was a very useful instrument in determining the location of the gas collection, fracture site, and tension on the brain. 电脑断层可用于侦侧气体囊肿的位置,相关骨折处及对脑部所造成之张力性变化。
Plain dark blue or black socks and black slip-on shoes for use on the match area. 单色之深蓝色或黑色袜子及用于比赛场地的黑色套入式便鞋。
Plain dealing is praised more than practiced. 正大光明者,说到的多,做到的少。
Plain dealing is praised more than practised. 光明磊落人人夸,身体力行有几人?
Plain dealing is praised more than practised. 光明磊落人人夸,身体力行有几人?
Plain glass is transparent. 普通的白玻璃是透明的。
Plain integer literals that are above the largest representable plain integer (e.g., 2147483647 when using 32-bit arithmetic) are accepted as if they were long integers instead.2.1 There is no limit for long integer literals apart from what can be stored 普通十进制整数最大可以为2147483647(也就是使用32位比特数字的最大值),普通的八进制和十六进制数可以4294967295,但大于2147483647的数就通过减4294967295变为负数了.长整数的大小是没有限制的,仅仅受制于可用的内存容量.
Plain lines which interacts with black-and-white patches, along with the furniture which is in harmony with the displaying artifacts demonstrate the theme to the limit. 简练的空间线条、黑白色块的彼此往来与暖色之调配、比例和谐的家具、黑白艺术品陈设把空间的主题发挥到极致。
Plain living and high thinking. 生活要朴素,情操要高尚。
Plain sense but rarely leads us astray. 明了的意识很少让我们迷路。
Plain text messages should be received immediately, while messages with attachments will be delayed for 30 minutes. 答;礼物是随着消息一同被删除,所以你要确保收件人在30天的期限内能够收到你的礼品.

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