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The present study was to evaluate wheather radial keratotomy produces an alteration in contrast sensitivity by comparing this function in operated versus unoperated eyes.

The present study hypothesized that in Taiwanese enterprises authoritarianism leadership would be a perceived work stressor to evoke subordinate job strains, nevertheless, which would be alleviated by the moderating effect of benevolence and moral leaders 研究结果显示,主管的威权领导被视为一种工作压力来源,造成员工种种的生理压力反应,而且对于员工的工作满意、心理健康及身体健康皆有显着的负面影响。
The present study is an attempt to make an empirical research into the differences in the use of language learning strategies (LLS) among the minority nationality students-English majors and non-English majors and the correlations thereof in contrast with 摘要以少数民族学生英语专业本科学生89人,专科199人和非英语专业本科学生270人,专科学生542人为对象,并以汉族大学生223人,教师21人作为对比分析,对他们之间的英语学习策略的差异及相关性进行了实证性研究。
The present study is to explore the main obstacles to the development of lexical competence in advanced English study. 摘要在英语学习高级阶段中,词汇能力的发展经常会出现滞后的现象。
The present study was conducted to evaluate urinary crystals in patients with and without urinary calculi. 摘要本研究的目的在评估尿路结石与非结石病患其尿液中所存在之结晶体。
The present study was designed to explore the origins of the different false memories. 本研究通过同时操纵预警提示和时间间隔两个因素来探讨错误记忆的来源问题。
The present study was to evaluate wheather radial keratotomy produces an alteration in contrast sensitivity by comparing this function in operated versus unoperated eyes. 这项研究的目的在以比较手术眼与未手术眼之对比敏感度差异,来评估放射状角膜切开术对其所造成的影响。
The present survey shows that definiteness of semantic association lies in the realization of sense relations such as synonymy, antonymy and hyponymy in the paradigmatic relations and homogeneity in the syntagmatic relations, while its indefiniteness incl 该调查研究得出语义联想中确定性表现为纵聚合关系中词的同义、反义和上下义关系和横组合关系中的同质性;不确定性蕴涵纵聚合关系中的直观性和横组合关系中的异质性。
The present system has worked satisfactorily , so why change it? My advice is to leave well alone. 目前这个制度执行情况令人满意,为什么要改变呢?我侍建议是听其自然。
The present system has worked satisfactorily, so why change it? My advice is to leave well alone. 现有的这个制度运作得很美满,那麽什要改变呢?我的建议是听其自然。
The present system has worked satisfactorily, so why change it? My advice is to leave well alone. 目前这个制度执行情况令人满意,为什么要改变呢?我侍建议是听其自然。
The present system is considerably more efficient than the old one. (现在的方法比旧方法有效的多。)

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