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A pair of rare 18th century slippers from India, decorated with diamonds, rubies, and emeralds, and sewn with gold thread, were stolen from a Toronto museum on Sunday.

A pair of golden monkeys enjoy iced fruits to prevent sunstroke at the Wuhan Zoo, C. China's Hubei Province on August 14, 2006. 8月14日,在中国湖北省的武汉动物园中,一对金丝猴正在享受美味的冰镇水果。此举是为了防止这些金丝猴在炎热的天气里中暑。
A pair of heaters heats the component directly and reduces affection on components nearby. It is especially suitable for integrated circuit board. 电热镊子双管加热,直接与组件接触,减少对附近组件的影响。
A pair of honeymooners checked into the Watergate hotel in Washington, D. C. 一对正在度蜜月的新婚夫妇到华盛顿的水门旅馆登记住宿。
A pair of horizontal parallel lines drawn across a shield. 盾形纹章上的横条纹画在盾形纹章上的两条水平的平行线
A pair of optical fibres can currently carry 48,000 telephone calls simultaneously. 通常,一对光导纤维管能够同时支持48,000部电话。
A pair of rare 18th century slippers from India, decorated with diamonds, rubies, and emeralds, and sewn with gold thread, were stolen from a Toronto museum on Sunday. 一双罕见的印度18世纪的拖鞋日前在多伦多博物馆失窃。这双拖鞋上面不仅镶嵌着钻石、红宝石和翡翠,而且还是用金线缝制而成的。
A pair of rich lovers come to the stage. (一对有钱的情人出场。)
A pair of symmetrical Sister Beaches! 王渊源:“对称的姐妹沙滩”!
A pair of synchronized explosions tore through two popular spots in Hyderabad, killing at least 30 people and wounding 60 others. 一双同步化的爆炸在海得拉巴撕破过二个受欢迎的地点了,杀害至少30个人而且受伤其他60个。
A pair of united petals in certain flowers, as those of the pea. 龙骨瓣在某些花(如豌豆花)中的两个相连的花瓣
A pair of white shoes completed the striking ensemble. 一双白鞋配这套醒目的服装已完美无缺了.

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