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But this man, because he continueth ever, hath an unchangeable priesthood.

But this isotope is radioactive and decays about six times faster than does uranium 238, which indicates that the fissile fraction was much higher in the distant past. 但是,铀235是具放射性的,而且衰变的速度比铀238快六倍,表示在古代,这个易分裂同位素的比率,比现在高得多。
But this kind of equating evidence to the fact is worth discussing. 但这种将证据等同于事实的做法是值得商榷的。
But this knowledge is not in all men; but some, being accustomed to the idol until now, eat the food as an idol sacrifice, and their conscience, being weak, is defiled. 7然而人不都有这等知识;有人直到如今还带着拜偶像的习惯感,就以为所吃的是祭偶像之物;他们的良心既然软弱,就受了玷污。
But this led to many badly designed buildings, which discredited the original aims of Modernism. 但是这导致了很多不好的设计建筑,羞辱了现代主义最初的目标。
But this level of understanding is sufficient for most of us. 但这个理解的水平是充足的为大多数我们。
But this man, because he continueth ever, hath an unchangeable priesthood. 24这位既是永远长存的,他祭司的职任,就长久不更换。
But this manner of looking at the problem of China is academic in the extreme and takes no cognizance of the feudal remnants that exercise such an important role in the lives, thoughts, customs, habits and emotions of the people. 如果用这种观点看待中国问题,未免过于迂腐,这是全然不顾封建残余在中国人的生活、思想、风俗、习惯、情感中还有极大影响。
But this may be a tall order. 但是这个要求有点高了。
But this may have more to do with the size and structure of the market and the American penchant for professionalism than with ownership. 但相对于所有制,这一点或许与市场的规模和结构以及美国人对专业性的偏好更加有关。
But this meant that I had to carry all our problems on my own shoulders, and sometimes I felt sorry that I did not have a real partner in life, with whom to share these worries. 可这意味着我将一个人承担所有的困难,有时我感到很遗憾,生活中没有一位真正的伴侣,一位能分担忧愁的伴侣。
But this mechanistic view of growth assumes that demography is destiny and that economic policies do not matter. 但是,这样机械看待发展问题的观点不免会得出一个结论,即人口因素决定一切,而经济政策则并不重要。

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