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A 2005 study by the USDA and National Chicken Council found only 26% of 4,200 broiler carcasses tested were infected with the bacteria.

A 20-year-old woman experienced anaphylaxis after application of a chlorhexidine -containing disinfectant to a cut on her foot. 1例20岁女性在脚外伤后使用含有氯已定的消毒剂引起过敏反应。
A 20-year-old woman is surprised to learn from a routine health exam that her urine has an abnormally high protein level—a sign of disturbed kidney function. 另一位20岁的女孩在定期健康检查中,意外发现尿液中蛋白质含量过高,这是肾功能失常的徵兆。
A 20-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital on January ,8,1979,(on 8 January 1979), for evaluation of thyroid nodule. 一名20岁的女性患者于1979年1月8日住进该院,以检查甲状腺结节。
A 2004 report for the European Parliament on the effects of new wireless technologies on health and the environment argued for the “precautionary principle”: holding back until any adverse effects have become clear. 一份2004年关于新无线科技对健康和环境影响的欧洲议会报告主张“警惕原则”,即:在所有的不利影响没有弄清楚之前,一切按兵不动。
A 2004 study by the Food and Drug Administration found campylobacter in 60% in chicken breasts. 一项2004年食品与药物管理局的研究在60%的鸡胸中发现弯曲杆菌。
A 2005 study by the USDA and National Chicken Council found only 26% of 4,200 broiler carcasses tested were infected with the bacteria. 一项2005年美国农业部和国家养鸡委员会的研究发现4200只被屠宰加工的鸡中,只有26%感染细菌。
A 200m cordon was put in place, cutting off one of London's major transport arteries and causing further traffic chaos, after reports of the suspicious vehicle. 今天下午2:30分,与海德公园比邻的派克道在大理石拱门和海德公园角路段被封锁之后,警察疏散了海德公园东区,同时一个警察机器人对汽车进行勘察。
A 21-year-old man who poked his head out of the window to call for help was smashed in the face with a hammer. 这家人中一个21岁的男子刚从窗户探出头来呼救,就被那人用铁锤击中脸部。
A 22-year-old male military recruit suffered discomfort in both hips and the groin area for 2 months. 摘要二十二岁男性入伍新兵表现出两侧髋部及鼠蹊部疼痛长达二个月。
A 23-inch freshwater crocodile, 47 blue tongue lizards, three bearded dragons and two pythons were missing. 在丢失的动物中包括一条长为23英寸的淡水鳄鱼、47只蓝舌蜥蜴、3只有须蜥蜴以及两条蟒蛇。
A 23-year old man had unilateral rubral tremors as a result of a midbrain lesion plus risperidone exposure for treatment of manic symptoms. 其症状的产生与其原本未发现之单侧中脑病灶及使用理思必妥有关。

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