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Results There were 618 strains of pathogenic fungi collected,472 strains were trrchophton rubrum(67.5%),149 strains were candida(23.8%),mold was54 strains(8.7%).

Results There are two kinds of inference in glucose determination by metabolic products, one is rapid reaction happened at diseases with high bilirubin concentration; another is slow reaction concomitant with some clinical conditions. 结果通过对临床标本的测定,我们发现体内的代谢产物对己糖激酶法血糖测定产生两种干扰,一种是在胆红素增高时伴随的快速干扰,一种是在革些病理情况下产生的慢反应干扰。
Results There exists significant difference regarding to the comfort, function and fixedness between implant-borne overdentures and the previous complete denture. 结果种植固定义齿与下颌半口义齿在舒适、功能、固位等方面存在明显差异。
Results There was no mortality,inhospital complications developed in 7 cases including postoperative infection, biliary fistula, hepatic insufficiency and hemorrahge of gastrointestinal tract, all were cured. 结果35例无手术死亡,术后近期并发感染、胆漏、肝功能不全或消化道出血共7例,均治愈;残留结石9例,术后经胆道镜取净结石7例。
Results There was some advantage such as less bleeding, faster recovery and lower rate of postoperative complication when intra-fascial hysterectomy was perfomed. 结果筋膜内子宫切除术与对照组比较手术时间短,术中出血少,恢复快,术后病率低。
Results There were 3 pathological characteristics in ALHE: ①massive hyperplasia of capillaries in the dermis; ②the endothelial cells proliferated and swelled, projecting into vascular cavity like tombstones; ③mixed infiltration of lymphocytes and eosinocy 结果伴嗜酸性粒细胞增多性血管淋巴样增生在病理学上有其特征,形态学上的改变主要表现在以下3个方面:①真皮内大量毛细血管增生;②血管内皮细胞增生肿大,似“墓碑”状突入血管腔;③病变处有淋巴细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞混合浸润。
Results There were 618 strains of pathogenic fungi collected,472 strains were trrchophton rubrum(67.5%),149 strains were candida(23.8%),mold was54 strains(8.7%). 结论广州地区的甲真菌病的致病菌除皮肤癣菌外,酵母菌,霉菌也占一定的比例,近几年酵母菌感染有上升趋势。
Results There were 9 cases of death with a mortality rate of 8.6%. 结果共有9例患儿死亡,死亡率8.6%。
Results There were the changes of red blood cell in patients with EH. 结果原发性高血压患者存在红细胞系改变。
Results Thirty-six patients of different openbite malocclusion were treated by using MEAW technic, and had satisfactory results. 结果36例开(牙合)畸形均在相对短的时间内,达到前牙正常覆(牙合)、覆盖及后牙稳定的尖窝咬合关系。
Results This patient received the nerve growth factor treatment program for facial paralysis established by evidence-based medicine 40 times, and all his symptoms have been improved obviously. 结果按照循证医学方法确立的以神经生长因子为主治疗面神经炎患者40次后,患者症状得到明显改善。
Results Treatment group was better than control group in improvement of symptoms, cosmetic effect of diseased limb, operation time, amount of blood loss length of hospital stay, and complications of operation. 结果治疗组在症状改善、患肢美观、手术时间、出血量、住院时间、术后并发症等方面优于对照组。

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