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Net Value of Fixed Assets :is obtained by deducting depreciation over years from the original value of fixed assets.

Nestled on the most attractive tropical garden and sandy beaches of west coast of Haikou City,New State Guesthouse is the top 5-star deluxe resort in the city. 海南新国宾馆位于海口市西海岸,座享最具魅力的海滩与热带园林,拥有1.5公里长的海岸线,是目前海口市最豪华的滨海温泉渡假酒店。
Nestled within the capsule were precious particles collected during Stardust's dramatic encounter with comet Wild 2 in January of 2004. 安坐在返回舱的是星尘号与怀尔特2彗星在2004年1月戏剧性的交汇时捕获的珍贵微粒。
Nestled within the capsule's science canister were two sets of samples: cometary particles on one side of the aerogel collector, and interstellar dust on the other. 安置在返回舱的科学罐里装载着两种样品:在气凝胶收集器的一面是彗星颗粒,另一面是星际尘埃。
Nestler of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. “An argument can be made that Alcoholics Anonymous provides that type of alternative focus. 「匿名戒酒会是个好例子,我们可以用它作为另类疗法的典型。」
Net Present value (NPV) - The method used in evaluating investments whereby the net PV of all EVA or cash flow is calculated using a discount rate of the cost of capital. 净现值(NPV)–用资本成本的贴现率计算出来的EVA或现金流的净现值,是一种用于对投资进行评估的方法。
Net Value of Fixed Assets :is obtained by deducting depreciation over years from the original value of fixed assets. 固定资产净值:是指固定资产原价减去历年已提折旧额后的净额。
Net Watcher automatically updates the window every 20 seconds. 网络“监视员”每隔 20 秒自动地更新窗口。
Net Weight: the gross weight less tare. 净重:总重扣除皮重后的重量。
Net asset inflows in November were $81bn, well above the trade deficit of $60.3bn and market estimates of $55bn. 11月份流入美国的净资产为810亿美元,大大高于美国603亿美元的逆差和市场估计的550亿美元净流入量。
Net assets that are accumulated by the enterprise that is founded with all the loaned fund guaranteed in the name of State-owned enterprise or institution. (三)以国有企业、事业单位的名义担保,全部以借入资金投资创办的企业所积累形成的净资产。
Net ball is a very common fault. 落网球是非常常见的失误。

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