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(For a true writer each book should be a new beginning where he tries again for something that is beyond attainment.

(Elizabeth):And I, how soon I thought better of you, when I read the letter you sent me! (伊丽莎白):“我也是,我读了你给我的信之后,很快就对你改变了看法。
(Ever man dies,Not every man really lives. 每个人都会死去,但不是每个人都曾经真正活过。
(Explain how you can save a multiplayer game and then reload it. If you can or why this is not possible. 说明一下在多人游戏中你将如何保存及读取游戏进度。指明你能实现或不能实现的理由。
(FC: Primary Target in range. Open fire!! 舰队指挥官:首要目标进入杀伤范围。开火!)
(Faith Report) The Chinese Catholic Social Service Committee and Beifang Jinde Catholic Social Service Center worked together with the Hunan Catholic Church and local government for relief work in three counties of Shaoyang, Hunan province, south of China 本报讯2005年7月7—15日,中国天主教社会服务委员会暨北方进德天主教社会服务中心联合湖南省当地教会与有关部门在湖南邵阳三县展开赈灾工作。
(For a true writer each book should be a new beginning where he tries again for something that is beyond attainment. 对真正的作家而言,每本书都应该是一个崭新的开始,让他得以再度试行自我超越。
(Gaia): The Earth and related Realms, in both a physical and a spiritual sense; the Mother Goddess. 盖亚:在物质和精神两方面带指地球以及有联系的地区,我们的母神。
(Gather at LongYang Subway Station load Bikes …. 龙阳路地铁站外集合以集装自行车等。。
(Generally it holds in July and September respectively. 一般在7月与12月各举办一次。
(Glazer, Sarah. Rating Doctors.In Issues for Debate in American Public Policy, 2002, 61-79. 莎拉·格雷泽:“评定医生”,《美国公共政策中的问题之争》,2002年版,第61——79页。
(Glazer, Sarah. Welfare Reform.In Issues for Debate in American Public Policy, 101-125. 莎拉·格雷泽:“福利制度改革”,《美国公共政策中的问题之争》,第101——125页。

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