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8 weeks: A walk (off leash) in a meadow or pasture with medium tall grass. Keep him with you by voice.

8 is an example of multiplication. 8是乘法的一个例子。
8 mins - Arsenal are dominating the opening exchanges at Highbury as Boro\' struggle to get the ball into their opponents\' half. 8分钟-枪手稳稳的把对手压在半场,米堡很难过半场。
8 random erroneous bytes in a received word of 204 bytes. 它是如何具备修正8个字节错误的能力呢?
8 the institute reserve the right to instruct a student to leave a course any stage if the student fails to fulfil a payment according to institute procedure . 如果学生不能按照学院的付款程序付费,学院保留在任意阶段致使学生离开课程的权力。
8 the serial number has been altered, effaced and / or removed. 机身编号曾被涂改、损毁或撕除。
8 weeks: A walk (off leash) in a meadow or pasture with medium tall grass. Keep him with you by voice. 8周大:带他去有着中等高度草的草地或牧场散步,不用牵引绳。只用言语让他跟着你。
8 years proven successful experience in machining in pump industry. 具有8年以上泵行业的机加工经验。
8 you think with the LEEHOM character accomplishment, he would even like to wildly and hotly grow crazy of fan still dimensions just right fan? 8你认为凭力宏的素质修养,他会更喜欢狂热地发疯的歌迷呢还是尺度刚好的歌迷呢?
8.224 Exploring Black Holes investigates these and many other questions using elementary calculus. 8.224探索黑洞会利用初等微积分研究这类问题。
8.What's the big deal? 8.这没什么大不了!
80 By the way, before leaving this subject, I would like to add a few comments. 在结束这个问题之前顺便一提,我希望能再提出一些看法。

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