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At a Budapest zoo: Please do not feed the animals. If you have any suitable food, give it to the grard on duty.

At Xmas time, Debra began to dream of all the presents. 到了圣诞节的时际,黛布拉开始梦想着所有的礼物。
At YEC, we are specifically committed to meeting or exceeding world-class standards in Safety, Environmental Protection, Quality, and Customer Satisfaction. 我们特别承诺在安全、环保、质量及客户满意度方面达到或超过世界水平。
At Your rebuke they fled, At the sound of Your thunder they hurried away. 诗104:7你的斥责一发、水便奔逃.你的雷声一发、水便奔流。
At Your rebuke, O God of Jacob, Both rider and horse were cast into a dead sleep. 诗76:6雅各的神阿、你的斥责一发坐车的、骑马的都沉睡了。
At Z PLACE, you can savor authentic South East Asian food—uniquely Singapore and one and only in Ningbo. 在这.地方,您可以品尝由地道的新加坡人带来的最纯正且最有特色的南洋风味美食。
At a Budapest zoo: Please do not feed the animals. If you have any suitable food, give it to the grard on duty. 注释:布达佩斯一家动物园的告示给人的印象是:适合喂动物的食物,请喂给值班人员。
At a Hawaiian luau, you can enjoy a delicious meal of pork, poi, fish and fruit. 在夏威夷烤猪餐宴上,你可以享受一顿可口的晚餐,包括猪肉、夏威夷芋泥饼、鱼和水果。
At a Southern Indiana coal mine, an accident at an air shaft kills three people. 印地安那州南方的一个煤矿内发生一起通风井事故,该事故造成3人死亡。
At a Southern Indiana coal mine, an accident at an airshaft killed three people. 美国南部印第安纳州的一座煤矿发生事故,在一座通风井内,三名矿工不幸遇难。
At a White House meeting Thursday, President Bush assured Iraq's President that the US is fully committed to helping the Iraqi government. 在周四白宫的会议上,总统布什向伊拉克总统承认美军会全力帮助伊拉克政府。
At a bash at my friend's house, I spilled punch all over my white jeans. 在我朋友家的舞会上,我把饮料洒在白牛仔裤上了,洒得到处都是。

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