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Last year, diethylene glycol was mistakenly mixed with cough syrup in Panama. The mix-up killed at least 51 people. No deaths have been reported in connection with the toothpaste.

Last year, a member of United States Congress said he has a sleep driving incident. 去年,联邦议会的一位成员说他曾有过睡觉开车的事故。
Last year, a member of the United States Congress said he had a sleep-driving incident. 上周三,食物药品管理局宣布了一些这种药会有想不到,危险的副作用。
Last year, because of the drought, we had water rationing every other day. 去年,因乾旱之故,我们每隔一天实施限量供水。
Last year, bilateral trade reached a staggering $37.1 billion, demonstrating a 21% year-on-year increase. 去年双边贸易额达371亿美元,同比增长21%。
Last year, ceramic export in Foshan reached nearly 600 million US Dollars, even the 20 million US Dollars mentioned above are all exported from Foshan, and it only accounts for 1/30 of the total export. 去年佛山陶瓷出口近6亿美元,即使上述2000万美元全为佛山出口,也才占总出口比例的1/30。
Last year, diethylene glycol was mistakenly mixed with cough syrup in Panama. The mix-up killed at least 51 people. No deaths have been reported in connection with the toothpaste. 去年,二甘醇在巴拿马被错误地同止咳糖浆混在了一起。那次混合事件造成至少51人丧生。目前还没有出现与牙膏有关的死亡报导。
Last year, from Turkey onwards I had a great championship, so that is an encouraging sign. 去年,我是自土耳其站开始获得分站赛的冠军的,所以它对我来说是个激励的信号。
Last year, he also found himself on the losing side of the “bra wars”, after a protectionist deal he reached with the Chinese government on textiles unravelled. 去年,在与中国政府就解决纺织品贸易问题达成有保护主义色彩的协议后,他还发现自己打输了这场“胸罩战争”。
Last year, in an effort to avoid being referred to the Security Council for its egregious breaches of nuclear safeguards, Iran offered to clear up all outstanding issues in just three weeks. 去年,在一次逃避联合国安理会追究它的核装置问题的努力中,伊朗提出3周内解决所有明显的争议问题。
Last year, it emerged that several of his closest aides had orchestrated a scheme under which a score of legislators from allied parties were paid cash in return for their votes in Congress. 去年,几个他最亲近的助手自导自演了一出贿选闹剧,通过贿赂一些友党的议员来换取他们在议会中的投票。
Last year, months before a presidential election, a law raced through Congress confirming the country's longstanding television duopoly. 去年总统大选的前几个月,一项法案草草地呈递到了国会以确定国内久经不衰地两强电视业霸主地位。

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