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Our computerized stock control system is now operative.

Our competitor's market share will surpass ours within three months. 竞争对手的市场获利在三个月内将会超越我们。
Our competitors are using tactics that indicate that they want to play hardball. 我们的竞争对手所用的战术表明他们要动真格了。
Our comprehensive line of services includes generating, shaping and polishing components; creating electro-optic and opto-mechanical components and assemblies; designing and depositing optical coatings; producing mass-quantity OEM components and one-offcu 我们拥有多功能的生产线,能够对光学组件进行成型、整型和抛光等一系列操作,能够制造和组装电镀光学和光学机械组件;能够设计和沉积各种光学涂层;并能够完成OEM组件的大规模生产和定制组件的单批次生产,还能结合广泛的性能测试,以保证为客户提供最佳品质的光学组件。
Our computer is only 11 pounds. 我们的电脑只有十一磅重。
Our computer is processing flight data. 我们的计算机正在对飞行数据进行处理。
Our computerized stock control system is now operative. 本公司的库存管理计算机系统现已运行。
Our comrades must do their utmost to learn the techniques of production. 我们的同志们必须用极大的努力去学习生产技术。
Our concept is customer's satisfaction ismy wishand our guideline is take trust as basis and give priority to quality and customers.Welcome all customers to choose out village specialties. 公司理念是顾客满意是我的心愿.坚持诚信为本、质量第一、顾客至上的宗旨,欢迎新老客户选购山村农特产.
Our concept: Let's make great efforts together to portray your shining point refinedly. 我们的理念:让我们一起努力,精心描绘您的亮点。
Our conclusion is based entirely on fact. 我们的结论完全是实事求是的。
Our conclusion is that a curriculum which integrates Chinese literature with convergent thinking skills can clearly enhance students' motivation to study, explore and discuss Chinese literature. 经由一年的试探,研究小组发现教师可经由连结相似经验、补充异质经验促发学生思考,在本文中并完整的说明由备课至授课的整体课程设计案例。

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