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Always proofread completed letters very carefully. Consult dictionary when necessary or in doubt.

Always park safely with the forks lowered. Remove the ignition key. Chock the wheels when necessary (slope). 停车时,叉放下去,掉点火匙,必要时(斜面上)用楔块堵住胎。
Always persevering in the principle of “persisting in human being as its key factor and taking the market as the kernel”, Long Qi Trading Co., Ltd keeps absorbing and cultivating highly qualified professionals and learning from successful operational expe 隆祺商贸有限公司始终坚持以人为本,以市场为核心的原则,不断引进和培养高素质的专业人才,不断借鉴国内外成功的经营管理经验,并且积极吸收和引进国内外领先技术和高新产品。
Always preach true democracy, but seize power as fast and as ruthlessly as possible. 六、不停宣扬“真正的民主”,但是尽量快速与无情地夺取权力。
Always prefer using C# generics in data structures. 在数据结构中总是优先使用C#泛型。
Always present is Li's conscious rationalism in her works, while, in comparison, her predecessors invariably represent characters who share a similar fate in their existence with the writers. 李昂对女性问题的描写与前辈女作家的差异还表现在,她除了关切女性在整个社会制度中婚姻爱情方面的遭遇外,更注重揭示女性隐秘的内心世界,特别是女性对“性”的认知、压抑、沉沦与抗争。
Always proofread completed letters very carefully. Consult dictionary when necessary or in doubt. 完成的书信一定要很小心地校对,有必要或怀疑时查典。
Always protect your missile troops in combat. 在战斗中要注意保护远程部队。
Always provide a static constructor when providing static member variables. 当提供静态成员变量时,总是提供一个静态构造函数。
Always put a screen in front of the fire if children are playing nearby. 如果有孩子在附近玩,就一定要在炉火前面安一块隔板。
Always put remote objects in class libraries. 总是将远程对象放在类库里。
Always put yourself in another's shoes. If you feel that it hurts you, it probably hurts the person too. 时常要把自己的脚放到别人的鞋子里面,如果你感到疼了,这双鞋很可能也会伤害到其他人。

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