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Explain to the class why it won‘t dissolve.

Excuse me,said Peter Cottontail, Are you Humpty Dumpty? “对不起,”皮特说,“你是汉仆.达谱吗?”
Excuse me.Where is the post office? “请问,邮局在什么地方?”
Exercise seems to cause positive changes in the nervous system, and these changes may have a direct effect on cognitive ability,Emery said. 埃莫里说:“锻炼看来能使神经系统发生积极的变化,而这些变化可能会对认知能力产生直接的影响。”
Expand service throughout the world with lofty aspiration is our group's determination and strength in order to comply with the international rules and deplore the international market, even more it is our ceaseless pursuit. 志存高远纵横四海”是集团与国际接轨、开拓国际市场的决心和实力,更是集团永不停歇的追求。
Experimental attempts may have begun by 1709, but not until 1783 did J.-M. and J.-é. Montgolfier develop a fabric-bag balloon that would rise when filled with hot air. 1709年人类开始作实验性的尝试,但一直至1783年法国蒙戈尔费埃兄弟才发展出一种纤维织物袋气球,其在充满热空气后即可浮升。
Explain to the class why it won‘t dissolve. “向班上同学解释为什么不会溶解。”
Explicitly,Mr. Lewis replied. He said that had been the case for 300 years of parliamentary practice. “肯定会。”刘易斯回答说。刘易斯称,300年来,确实存在这样的案例。
Exposure to pesticides and nitrates can alter the hormonal milieu of the pregnant mother and the developing fetal brain,Winchester explained in a statement. 温彻斯特解释说,接触杀虫剂和硝酸盐会使孕妇体内的荷尔蒙环境发生改变,从而影响胎儿的大脑发育。
Extremely thinappears as a knife-edge; that is, the crown meets the pavilion with no girdle in between. 非常薄,看起来就像一个刀口;那就是,官方会见凉亭无肩带之间.
F**k off,he replied. Capello wasn't the kind of man who minced words. You're coming off, because you're holding back, you're not trying. 卡配罗不是那种拐弯抹角的人,他回答我说:“你给我滚蛋。你下场是因为我不想让你继续呆在场上,你不用再踢了。
Fabio Capello promised me last season that bringing in a world-class midfielder to play by my side was a priority. “卡配罗上赛季向我发誓为我带来一位世界级的和我并肩作战的战友。”

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