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In order to improve the reliability of numerical simulation results, a new backward analysis method for mechanical parameters of slope rocks was developed based on orthogonal design, difference method and artificial neural network.

In order to improve the prospecting precision to the earth of transient electromagnetic method (TEM), the idea of TEM imaging is proposed according to the characteristics of both electromagnetic wave propagation and response: the wave-impedance is calcula 摘要爲提高瞬变电磁法的对地探测精度,从瞬变电磁场的传播特性和电磁响应特性两个角度攷虑,提出了瞬变电磁成像方法:由野外实测磁场感应数据,经过反褶积和线性数字滤波求出波阻抗;用线性规划法求出每一微层走时所对应的反射系数序列,并以此爲参数绘制成像结果图。
In order to improve the quality of Laplace operator image segmentation at a high real time capability this paper presented a synchronization dimensional structure filter for Laplace operator. 摘要为了在继承拉普拉斯算子高实时性的前提下提高图像分割质量,设计了一个可与拉普拉斯算子差分计算同步进行滤波工作的空间滤波器。
In order to improve the quality of milled early long-grain non-glutinous rice, a milled rice blending method was adopted based on analyzing quality of milled early long-grain non-glutinous rice produced in Zhejiang. 摘要为改善低质早籼米品质,在分析浙江省主栽早籼基米米质基础上采用籼米之间配制技术。
In order to improve the quality of synthetic seismic records, this paper presents two correction methods for logs correlation calculation and logs forward calibration using sonic-density logging suite. 摘要以提高合成记录制作质量为目标,研究了严重垮塌井段声波、密度测井数据的校正方法,提出了曲线相关计算和曲线正演两种校正方法。
In order to improve the quality of the image from TCM diagnosis equipment, the improved de-noising method based on the wavelet transform of the multi-dimension relevance was applied to deal with the noise of image. 摘要为提高中医诊断图像的质量,应用改进的基于小波变换尺度间相关性的去噪方法,对诊断图像进行去噪处理。
In order to improve the reliability of numerical simulation results, a new backward analysis method for mechanical parameters of slope rocks was developed based on orthogonal design, difference method and artificial neural network. 摘要为了提高数值计算结果的可靠度,基于正交设计、差分法和人工神经网络建立了新的边坡岩体力学参数反分析方法。
In order to improve the reliability of servo system, a triplex electro-hydraulic servo actuator system with three torque motors, three jet flapper valves and three sets of feedback components is designed. 摘要为了提高伺服作动系统的可靠性,设计了一种三余度的电液伺服作动系统,将伺服阀的力矩马达、喷嘴挡板阀、系统的反馈元件等做成一式三份。
In order to improve the resistivity of oxidation, dysprosium cobalt ferrite magnetic fluids were prepared. 摘要为了提高磁流体的抗氧化能力,制备了镝钴铁氧磁流体。
In order to improve the situation of construction safety in China, the internalization of accident loss is a key measure, which will help to implement the system of enterprise is the main body of responsibility for production safety, to protect the legal 笔者认为,要从本质上改善我国建筑安全生产状况,必须促使安全损失内部化,该理念不仅有利于落实“企业安全生产责任主体”制度、保护建筑工人及其家庭的权益以及减轻政府负担,而且还能促使整个社会共同致力于改善职业安全与健康状况,从而促进建筑市场的持续健康发展和确保社会的和谐稳定。
In order to improve the teaching quality, it is required to renew the teaching materials' contents, reform the teaching and examination methods, inspire students' thinking modes being mathematicization and heighten students' enterprising spirit and practi 为了提高教学质量,需要更新教材内容,改革教学方法及考试方法,促使学生思维方式数学化,提高学生的创新精神和实践能力。
In order to improve the theory of financial management and guide the financial management practice better, it is very important to research the financial management target. 为了完善财务管理的理论,有效指导财务管理实践,必须对财务管理目标进行认真的研究。

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