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[bbe] His feet take him into the net, and he goes walking into the cords.

[bbe] His branch is cut off before its time, and his leaf is no longer green. 他的日期未到之先,这事必成就。他的枝子不得青绿。
[bbe] His breath puts fire to coals, and a flame goes out of his mouth. 它的气点着煤炭,有火焰从它口中发出。
[bbe] His bright flames give light to the world; the earth saw it with fear. 他的闪电光照世界。大地看见便震动。
[bbe] His children are hoping that the poor will be kind to them, and his hands give back his wealth. 他的儿女要求穷人的恩。他的手要赔还不义之财。
[bbe] His eyes will be dark with wine, and his teeth white with milk. 他的眼睛必因酒红润、他的牙齿必因奶白亮。
[bbe] His feet take him into the net, and he goes walking into the cords. 因为他被自己的脚陷入网中,走在缠人的网罗上。
[bbe] His foot is taken in the net; he comes into its grip. 圈套必抓住他的脚跟。机关必擒获他。
[bbe] His hand is stretched out over the sea, the kingdoms are shaking: the Lord has given orders about Canaan, to make waste its strong places. 耶和华已经向海伸手,震动列国。至于迦南,他已经吩咐拆毁其中的保障。
[bbe] His heart is as strong as a stone, hard as the lower crushing-stone. 它的心结实如石头,如下磨石那样结实。
[bbe] His house has no more strength than a spider's thread, or a watchman's tent. 他建造房屋如虫做窝,又如守望者所搭的棚。
[bbe] His left hand is under my head, and his right hand is round about me. 他的左手在我头下,他的右手将我抱住。

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