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A device or substance, such as tear gas, used to incapacitate individuals temporarily, as in riot control.

A device in a visual display unit which allows storage and continuous display of a frame of data. 视频显示设备中的一种装置,可以存储并连续显示一帧的数据。
A device in gas lamps consisting of a sheath of threads that gives off brilliant illumination when heated by the flame. 灯罩煤油灯内一装置,是一个由许多线结成的套构成的,被火焰加热后产生灿烂的光芒
A device measuring a centimeter across could in principle hold up to 1066 bits—a mind-boggling amount. 原则上,一个一立方公分的装置能够储存至1066位元,这是个大到难以想像的含量。
A device or contrivance; a gadget. 玩意儿一种装置或发明物;小机件
A device or emblem worn as an insignia of rank, office, or membership in an organization. 徽章一种作为军衔、官衔或某一组织中会员的标志而佩带的图案或符号
A device or substance, such as tear gas, used to incapacitate individuals temporarily, as in riot control. 致残剂一种可使人暂时致残的装置或物质,如平定暴乱时所用的催泪瓦斯
A device placed in the mouth to keep it open, as in dentistry. 张口器如牙科中放在嘴里使嘴张开的装置
A device resembling an inflatable sleeping bag could help save lives following cardiac arrest. 英国麻醉师发明了一种类似于充气睡袋的“休克毯”,帮助挽救发生休克的心脏病人生命。
A device that automatically switches an electric lamp off and on, as in a commercial display sign. 闪光装置如广告宣传告示上的一种自动点燃或熄灭电灯的装置
A device that brings about and helps maintain equilibrium. 平衡器可以帮助达到平衡或保持平衡的装置
A device that can generate and propagate signals representing data or speech. 一种能生成和传送代表数据或话音的信号的装置。

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