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Self-compatibility The capacity to self-fertilize. Many flowers are capable of self-fertilization if pollination fails, and a few species do it regularly.

Self-annotations in Songci poems can be classified in terms of modes into three types: interlinear notes, endnotes and caption, and in centent, fall into the three types of sentence annotations, title annotations and background annotations. 摘要宋词自注从方式看可分为夹注、尾注、题注三种,从内容看可分为注词句、注名目、注背景三类。
Self-appraisal disposition steady strong, can progress unceasingly in the adverse circumstance, treats people temperately sincere, works is responsible earnestly, can bear hardships and stand hard work, has the strong organization ability and the team coo 性格稳重坚强,能在逆境中不断进步,待人温和真诚,做事认真负责,能吃苦耐劳,有较强的组织能力和团队协作精神,能迅速的适应各种环境,并融合其中。
Self-assessment can provide an impetus for learning, a stimulus for growth, and a trigger for action. 自评能为学习提供动力,为发展提供刺激因素,为行动提供驱动器。
Self-awareness refers to the unit's ability to learn about itself and its relation to the radio networks it inhabits. 自我意识是指这类装置知道本身的状况,以及自己和周围无线电网路的关系。
Self-cleaning card presence switch on most models detecting final card position, special shape of wiping contacts minimize card scratching and wear. 带可自动清洁的卡的位置开关,可进行卡的到位检测特殊形状的摩擦点可以减小卡的磨损。
Self-compatibility The capacity to self-fertilize. Many flowers are capable of self-fertilization if pollination fails, and a few species do it regularly. 自交亲和性:指植物自花受精的能力。许多花可以在授粉失败后进行自花受精,其中有些种类定期进行此过程。
Self-complacent, impudent, deluded by vanity and haughtiness due to wealth, the demoniac perform sacrifices out of pride, in name only, such sacrifices are performed without any regard for scriptural injunctions. 洋洋自得,放肆无礼,由于富有而被空虚和傲慢所迷惑,着了魔的人是出于自尊才供奉祭祀,仅仅是名义上的,这样的供奉祭祀与经中规定的指令毫不相干。
Self-confidence and self-reliance are the mainstays of a strong character. 自信和自力更生是坚强品格的柱石。
Self-confidence is sexy-feel sexy and you'll look sexy. 自信就是性感。感到自己性感,你就会看上去性感。
Self-confidence is the crucial step to success. 自信是你迈出成功的关键一步!
Self-confidence is the first requisite to human greatness. 人类的伟大,首要的是要有自信。

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