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A revised fuzzy control algorithm was developed to accelerate iteration convergence in numerical fluid dynamic simulation by adjusting the value of the under-relaxation factor.

A review with 38 re ferences is given on the research advance of toxicology of cadmium including the toxicological effects and toxigenicity mechanism of the cadmium to different apparatus and tissue. 综述了镉毒性毒理学研究进展,包括:镉对生殖、骨骼、肾脏、神经等系统或组织的毒性和致毒机理研究。
A review with 39 references is given on study and development including chemical constituents, pharmacology, mensurations of the effective components and clinic application of Sophora japonica, etc. 就槐花的化学成分、药理作用、有效成分的测定方法和临床应用等多方面进行了综述。
A review with 44 references is given on recent development of heterocyclic azo compounds' application in spectrophotometric analysis of copper, zinc, and iron in biological sample including three kinds of heterocyclic azo compounds: pyridylazo compound, i 摘要综述了近年来应用偶氮类显色剂测定生物样品中铜、锌、铁的光度分析发展状况,从吡啶偶氮类试剂、咪唑偶氮类试剂以及三氮唑偶氮类试剂加以归纳,引用文献44篇。
A reviewer may review several thousand sub-images before finding an FMO, just to be disappointed due to bad conditions preventing a recovery the following night. 一个查看者可能在发现FMO之前查看过几千张图像,但最终可能因为未来夜晚的差劲条件而使发现的目标丢失,无法得到重新发现,这非常另人失望。
A revised edition of the encyclopedia was published. 那本百科全书的修订版已出版了。
A revised fuzzy control algorithm was developed to accelerate iteration convergence in numerical fluid dynamic simulation by adjusting the value of the under-relaxation factor. 摘要在原来研究工作的基础上,提出了一种改进的模糊控制方法,用以调整粘性流场迭代计算中亚松驰因子的值。
A revision is long overdue, said Dr. Raul Artal of the Saint Louis University School of Medicine. 圣路易斯大学医学院的罗尔·阿特阿尔博士认为,这样的调整早就该做了。
A revision of that dictionary has been published. 那本词典的修订本已经出版。
A revision of this book will be published in June. 六月将出版这本书的修订本。
A revision or version is one version in a chain of changes. 版本是一系列改变中的一个节点。
A revitalised second half display was the outcome. Two goals from JT's great mate Frank Lampard sealed a momentous victory. 下半场果然不一样了。特里的亲密战友兰帕德攻入两球获得了王座上最后一颗钻石。

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