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A brilliant young comedian upstaged the star.

A brilliant man-manager, O\'Neill has serious family issues understandably occupying him but remains the outstanding candidate for the Old Trafford post. 奥尼尔是一位优秀的以人为本的教练,虽然他因为严重的家庭原因而无法脱身,但他依旧是老特拉福德教练岗位的最佳候选人。
A brilliant performance in the recent GP2 race at Monaco will have done his chances of moving up to the big league no harm - he turned pole into a doant victory in his ART, crossing the line no fewer than 8.4 seconds ahead of his nearest rival. 最近在摩纳哥GP2比赛中的卓越表现将更加确保了他登陆这项最盛大赛事的几率:他将杆位的优势化成了一次完美的胜利,以领先第二名不少于8.4秒的成绩冲过了终点线。
A brilliant radiance. 亮光发着耀眼的亮光
A brilliant sun light up their rooms. 灿烂的阳光照亮了他们的房间。
A brilliant sun lit up their rooms. 灿烂的阳光照亮了他们的屋子。
A brilliant young comedian upstaged the star. 一位出色的年轻喜剧演员抢了这明星的镜头。
A brilliantly burning sphere. 火星闪亮燃料的星球
A brisk walk in cool weather is invigorating. 在凉爽的天气里轻松地散步令人心旷神怡。
A brisk wind swelled the sails. 一阵轻快的风使帆鼓起来了。
A brittle, flat piece of unleavened bread, eaten especially during Passover. 未发酵的面包一种犹太人过逾越节时吃的干脆未发酵的面包
A broad area of open land, often high but poorly drained, with patches of heath and peat bogs. 沼泽一片大面积的开阔地,通常很高但排水不好,有成片的荒野和泥炭田

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