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Albert: I'd like a bacon cheeseburger and large fries.

Albert says he is constantly bending over to please you. 艾伯特说他在不断的竭尽全力使你高兴。
Albert's the kind of gambler who's changed the course of his life on the toss of a coin. 阿尔伯特是那种把毕生的精力都花在抛掷硬币上的赌徒。
Albert: But you love to dance! 艾尔伯特:但你很喜爱跳舞。
Albert: Don't give me that tone! 艾伯特:别用那样的语气跟我说话!
Albert: I have a big problem. 艾伯特:我有个很棘手的问题。
Albert: I'd like a bacon cheeseburger and large fries. 爱伯特:我要一份培根起司堡和大薯条。
Albert: I'll have a sirloin steak with mashed potatoes and seafood salad. 爱伯特:我要沙朗牛排加马铃薯泥和海鲜沙拉。
Albert: Oh God, I pierced the toast! 艾伯特:噢,上帝啊,我弄穿了一片烤面包!
Albert: That sarcastic contemptuous tone that means you know everything because you're a man, and I know nothing because I'm a woman. 艾尔伯特:那种讽刺轻蔑的语气,好像因为你是男人就什么都知道,而我是女人就什么都不知道。
Albert: They'll enjoy watching you. 艾尔伯特:观众会欣尝你的舞姿的。
Albert: You're really scared, aren't you? 艾尔伯特:你是真的很害怕,是不是?

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